Why TV poker can make you wealthy!

Written by Ian McIntosh

There’s an awful lot of poker onrepparttar television these days. If you wanted to you could probably watch poker onrepparttar 109864 TV almost roundrepparttar 109865 clock andrepparttar 109866 big events likerepparttar 109867 World Poker Tour andrepparttar 109868 World Series of Poker receive massive coverage.

Poker is great to watch on TV, it is about psychology and people more than it’s aboutrepparttar 109869 cards and so it attracts a large percentage of non-players. People love watching other people in real situations and poker isrepparttar 109870 latest reality TV craze.

The apparent simplicity of Texas Holdem drawsrepparttar 109871 TV audience and holds them, like all great games and sports it is incredibly simple to understand but extremely difficult to master. Everyone from teenagers to grannies can work outrepparttar 109872 basics – three of something beats two of them! It’s only a short step to fill inrepparttar 109873 other hands onrepparttar 109874 ranking table.

TV Texas Holdem also has a very powerful addictiveness about it. Very quickly you will start to like some players more than others, in some cases people will become fans of certain players and follow their progress. If you start watching early on in a tournament, poker hasrepparttar 109875 ability to holdrepparttar 109876 attention in such a way that you need to stick with it untilrepparttar 109877 end to see who wins.

OK you’re asking, but how will that make me wealthy?

Well, remember all of these non-players who start watching poker onrepparttar 109878 TV and get hooked by it’s sheer entertainment value? Very soon some of them will be sayingrepparttar 109879 four little magic words to themselves,repparttar 109880 four words that will make you money.

“I can do that!”

Yes of course they want to join in. After all it looks so easy whenrepparttar 109881 professionals raise all-in with a Jack high and stealrepparttar 109882 pot on a complete bluff against two pairs. What they don't realise is that it takes years of practise to developrepparttar 109883 instinct to know when they can bluff like that. The other point they miss is that TV will edit outrepparttar 109884 majority of hands and will give a distorted view ofrepparttar 109885 play, it will look like these big bluffs can be pulled off every two or three hands!

How to Play Poker -- Poker Table Position

Written by Tom Howze

Poker seating andrepparttar position one has atrepparttar 109863 table is one ofrepparttar 109864 most important and least talked about aspects of poker. It's especially relative torepparttar 109865 Texas Hold'Em poker game because it is positional in nature. Where a player sits each hand determinesrepparttar 109866 amount of information he or she can gain on other players. This can have a big effect on your poker strategy and how a hand is played. This article will reference how to play poker from a table of 10 players and discuss playing fromrepparttar 109867 dealer, early, middle and late positions.

Dealer Position -- This position, also referred to as "on repparttar 109868 button", isrepparttar 109869 most coveted because oncerepparttar 109870 flop takes place,repparttar 109871 dealer isrepparttar 109872 last to act. This means you can watch and gather information on allrepparttar 109873 other players before making your decision. Aggressive play is expected from this position, especially when all others have checked. Almost any hand except trash hands like 9 2, 10 4 offsuit can be considered for play here.

For example, your opponent has Jc, Jh. You have Qd, Kd and arerepparttar 109874 dealer. Your opponent raised $20 beforerepparttar 109875 flop and you called. The flop shows 2d, 3d, 5d. You both checkrepparttar 109876 flop andrepparttar 109877 turn shows 8c. Your opponent checks, you raise $20 and they call. Onrepparttar 109878 riverrepparttar 109879 Js comes up and your opponent raises $50. From watching you figure they may have trips. You raise to $100, they call and you win with a King high flush. Had you been in your opponents position of having to bet first, you would have been hard pressed to figure whatrepparttar 109880 dealer had.

Early Position -- This is made up of positions 1, 2 and 3 to repparttar 109881 left ofrepparttar 109882 dealer and arerepparttar 109883 least advantageous as you arerepparttar 109884 first to act afterrepparttar 109885 flop and have no information onrepparttar 109886 other players. Here one should play onlyrepparttar 109887 strongest hands like paired A's, K's, Q's, J's, Tens, or suited AK, AQ, AJ and KQ. Anything outside of these one should consider folding and waiting for a better opportunity, especially with an aggressive table. One thing that can be done from an early position is bluffing. Betting from an early position can imply that you do have a strong hand, but bluffing too often will result in others picking up on it and can be disastrous, particularly when aggressive bettors are atrepparttar 109888 table.

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