Why Some Office Chairs Are Better Than Others

Written by Nick Telford

We take some things for granted in life. Take breathing for instance. It isrepparttar most vital function that keeps us alive; in fact, it isrepparttar 140603 sign that we are alive! Yet, breathing happens so automatically that we rarely are 'aware' of it, until we come across an article like this that reminds us that breathingrepparttar 140604 right way is important for good health.

Let us discuss another human activity that you are involved in 90% of our waking time and yet know so little about - sitting. You sit atrepparttar 140605 breakfast table, inrepparttar 140606 car, and then again at work in our office chairs. You come back inrepparttar 140607 evening to sit or slouch beforerepparttar 140608 TV. With so much of sitting around, it is quite right to make sure that we are sitting right!

Office Chairs - Looks Alone Are Not Enough

Work has changed overrepparttar 140609 years so that most careers nowadays do not involve too much moving around or actual physical exercise. Most ofrepparttar 140610 work is done at a desk, in front ofrepparttar 140611 computer. An incorrect sitting posture or a wrong office chair can be harmful for your health.

It can cause pain or injury torepparttar 140612 back, neck and legs. It can also cause diseases such as spondylitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. All these are usually termed as non- accidental injury atrepparttar 140613 workplace because they are caused by normal and routine activities done as part ofrepparttar 140614 job. The most important thing that you should do to prevent such injury is to be aware of how you sit and correct your sitting posture. A good office chair can go a long way in helping you to sit right.

Discover The Truth About Different Types of Office Chairs

Written by Nick Telford

Office chairs arerepparttar most important furniture for any office not only forrepparttar 140602 looks ofrepparttar 140603 office but also forrepparttar 140604 health and efficiency ofrepparttar 140605 staff. Office chair design has come a long way fromrepparttar 140606 simple prototypes of yesteryears.

Today's office chairs promote health, are ergonomically designed, improve your posture and even help you to meditate and relax.

Here are a few types of new office chairs available inrepparttar 140607 market -

1. Kneeling office chairs - These office chairs have no back support. They incline forward and thus allowrepparttar 140608 hips to slide forward. This office chair naturally alignsrepparttar 140609 neck, spine and shoulders.

2. Saddle chairs - Saddle office chairs are so named because sitting on them is like sitting astride on a horse. These chairs can solve lower back problems quite successfully. The height ofrepparttar 140610 office chair is easily adjustable. It works well as a desk or a computer chair.

3. Exercise ball chairs - These chairs are shaped like a ball. You can use them as a desk or computer chair. It is difficult to slouch in such a chair becauserepparttar 140611 user has to sit upright. The exercise-ball office chair encourages movement while sitting because it is a bit bouncy. This movement keeps uprepparttar 140612 blood circulation and keepsrepparttar 140613 muscles in constant use.

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