Why Small Business Must Turn to PR

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word count is 670 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2003.

Why Small Business Must Turn to PR

If small business had no important outside audiences, it wouldn’t exist.

But since they do have external “publics,” it’s doubly unfortunate when those same small business owners seem unconcerned about repparttar very outside folks whose behaviors can place a choke-hold on their business!

And worse, are so casual about public relations,repparttar 105192 best way to move those behaviors in their direction.

Is that you? What’srepparttar 105193 problem? Can you think of any other way to marshall those groups of people you need so badly if your business is to succeed?

Face it. You must turn to public relations if you are really serious about getting those important outside people to support what you are trying to do.

Andrepparttar 105194 best part is, there’s no mystery about how to do it!

Start today by listing your important outside audiences in priority order. No doubt, customers and prospects will place #1 and #2. But think carefully about your local and trade media as well as community residents and leaders, suppliers andrepparttar 105195 like. The test for adding an external audience to your worry list is this: if left unattended, could its perceptions and behaviors hurt your business?

Since there is no other affordable way to find out how each of your target audiences perceive your business, products, services and operations, you must takerepparttar 105196 time to do it yourself along with your colleagues. Interact with members of that key target audience and probe their perceptions with plenty of questions. Watch for misconceptions, inaccuracies and rumors that need to be corrected. Stay alert to negativity of any kind.

This will let you decide how much you will try to alter perceptions among each audience. It also becomesrepparttar 105197 behavior modification goal against which you will measure your progress.

What Makes A Good Executive Coach

Written by Alton Byrd

What Makes A Good Executive Coach by Alton Byrd Copyright (c) 2003 Clear Focus Coaching

1. High Level Business Experience--

For a coaching relationship to work,repparttar coach and executive or entrepreneur must be peers. To be able to provide appropriate guidance,repparttar 105190 coach should have not only worked inrepparttar 105191 corporate world but also have had senior level positions.

2. Interpersonal Skills--

The coach must be able to handle all sorts of complex and touchy interpersonal dynamics and be capable of sizing up and dealing with situations quickly. Good coaches have great listening skills also.

3. Integrity--

Honesty andrepparttar 105192 ability to keep confident are essential. Most coaches are dealing with not only sensitive personal issues, but also confidential company information. Integrity becomesrepparttar 105193 most important factor in a coaching relationship.

4. Political Savvy--

The navigation of what inevitably will be very treacherous waters is a key to good coaching. Executives and entrepreneurs need to be able to navigaterepparttar 105194 political twists and turns of a company, and a good coach is able to help him or her do that.

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