Why Should I Freelance

Written by Debbi Cunnington

Good question. For those who are uninitiated, freelance is a term used for work that is done in one's free time. It offers a chance to earn a little extra money for those rainy days. However, for some people, 'freelance' can become a way of life. Try doing a quick internet search ofrepparttar word 'freelance'. The number of sites devoted to this topic are amazing. It seems everybody either wants to provide freelance services or needs somebody to help them desperately.

What arerepparttar 116516 benefits of becoming a freelance professional? Freelance allows considerable freedom in how a person goes about his or her life. That applies to when you start working, how long you work and when you can stop working. If you like to sleep all day, it is conceivable that you could be doing data entry or writing an article inrepparttar 116517 middle ofrepparttar 116518 night. It might be necessary to make phone calls whenrepparttar 116519 rest ofrepparttar 116520 world is awake, but otherwise, it is completely flexible.

You haverepparttar 116521 freedom to work from home most ofrepparttar 116522 time. Withrepparttar 116523 major technological advances ofrepparttar 116524 last few years, it is easy to accomplish many jobs away fromrepparttar 116525 office. Just a few of these jobs are bookkeeping, writing, graphic design, web design, web programming...andrepparttar 116526 list goes on. Some fields have a lot more opportunities than others but I truly believe that working from home will become more commonplace inrepparttar 116527 near future.

Choosing the Correct Keywords For a Site

Written by Sumantra Roy.

In this article, we focus onrepparttar correct way of finding outrepparttar 116515 keywords for which you should optimize your site forrepparttar 116516 search engines. This article will give yourepparttar 116517 formula forrepparttar 116518 Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) - a mathematical formula which I have developed to help you determine which keywords you should be optimizing your site for.

Step 1: Open your text editor or word processor and write down allrepparttar 116519 words and phrases that you might have searched for if you were looking for a company which offers products and services similar to yours. For example, suppose your company organizes packaged tours to Australia. Here's a list of phrases that I might have searched for if I were planning to make a trip to Australia:

tourism in Australia travel to Australia travelling in Australia travel agencies in Australia travelling agencies in Australia Australian travel agencies

Of course,repparttar 116520 keywords that came to your mind may have been different. But that's not important -repparttar 116521 important thing is to get an initial list of keywords.

You may be wondering why I have not used single word keywords. Here's why:

Firstly, single word keywords tend to be hyper-competitive. A search for "tourism" or "travelling" in any search engine will probably generate hundreds of thousands of pages. While it is possible that you may get your page inrepparttar 116522 top 10 for such a single word keyword, it is quite unlikely.

Secondly, because ofrepparttar 116523 sheer number of pages that single word searches can throw up, most search engine users have realized that they can get more relevant pages if they search for phrases rather than individual words. Statistical research has shown that most people are now searching for 2 or 3 word phrases rather than for single words.

Thirdly, single word keywords won't get you targeted traffic. When people search for "tourism", they are not necessarily looking for tourist destinations in Australia - they may be interested in any other country ofrepparttar 116524 world. Even if you got your site intorepparttar 116525 top 10 for tourism, you gain nothing from such visitors. However, when someone searches for "tourism in Australia", he/she is your potential customer, and hence, it makes sense for you to try and get a top ranking for your site for that keyword. Hence, whenever you are trying to generate keywords, try to be location specific. Try to think of keywords which apply torepparttar 116526 geographic area that your product or service is designed to serve.

Step 2: Open any spreadsheet program that is installed in your hard drive. I assume you are using Microsoft Excel. If you are using some other spreadsheet program, just changerepparttar 116527 spreadsheet related procedures outlined here to fit your program.

Create 4 columns - one forrepparttar 116528 keyword, one forrepparttar 116529 popularity ofrepparttar 116530 keyword, one forrepparttar 116531 number of sites that appear in AltaVista for that keyword andrepparttar 116532 last for something I callrepparttar 116533 Keyword Effectiveness Index (don't worry - I'll explain what KEI means later on). In order to ensure that you can follow what I am saying, I recommend that you addrepparttar 116534 following column headers torepparttar 116535 first four columns ofrepparttar 116536 first row of your spreadsheet:

Keyword Popularity No. of Competitors KEI

In case you don't want to takerepparttar 116537 trouble of creating your own spreadsheet, downloadrepparttar 116538 keywords.zip file from http://www.1stSearchRanking.com/t.cgi?4901&download.htm The file contains a sample spreadsheet in Excel 97 format.

Step 3: A great way to obtain a list of keywords related torepparttar 116539 ones you have developed inrepparttar 116540 first step is to use WordTracker's keyword generation service by going to http://the-easy-way.com/wordtracker.html Click onrepparttar 116541 "Trial" option atrepparttar 116542 top ofrepparttar 116543 site. Inrepparttar 116544 page that appears, type in your name and email address and click onrepparttar 116545 "Startrepparttar 116546 trial >>" button. Inrepparttar 116547 next page, click on "Click here to startrepparttar 116548 trial". Inrepparttar 116549 next page, type inrepparttar 116550 first keyword that you developed in Step 1, i.e. "tourism in Australia", inrepparttar 116551 text box. Click onrepparttar 116552 "Proceed >>" button.

Step 4: Inrepparttar 116553 next page, WordTracker will display a list of keywords related torepparttar 116554 keyword that you had typed in. (Just scroll downrepparttar 116555 left pane to seerepparttar 116556 keywords). Now, click onrepparttar 116557 first keyword inrepparttar 116558 left pane which is applicable for your site. Inrepparttar 116559 right pane, WordTracker will show a list of keywords which containrepparttar 116560 keyword you had clicked on inrepparttar 116561 left pane. Then inrepparttar 116562 table that you have created in your spreadsheet, copy each ofrepparttar 116563 keywords inrepparttar 116564 right pane and paste them inrepparttar 116565 first column ofrepparttar 116566 table. Also, copyrepparttar 116567 number of times those keywords have been used (i.e.repparttar 116568 figure present inrepparttar 116569 Count column in WordTracker) and paste them inrepparttar 116570 second column. In order to ensure that you can follow me, make sure that you typerepparttar 116571 first keyword inrepparttar 116572 second row of your spreadsheet. Of course, you should only bother adding a keyword to your spreadsheet if it is applicable for your site.

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