Why Should I Buy From You?

Written by Kelley Robertson

Virtually every person who enters your business has this question in their mind. To truly maximize your revenues you need give people a reason to buy from you versus a competitor. This article will explore a few strategies that will help you differentiate yourself from your competition.

First, it’s important to understand that people make their buying decision on two levels – logical and emotional. The logical aspect revolves aroundrepparttar product or service and includes such things as product specifications, warranty, price, colour, size, ease of use, etc. Anything directly associated withrepparttar 127241 product is a logical need. The second buying motivator and, perhapsrepparttar 127242 most powerful, isrepparttar 127243 emotional aspect ofrepparttar 127244 sale. These criteria arerepparttar 127245 less tangible needs and include feelings of success, relief, pride, joy, fear and concern. For example, a person buying a pair of jeans will have specific logical needs such as waist size, inseam length, colour and style. But, ultimately,repparttar 127246 emotional aspect of how they fit and look will influence that person’s buying decision.

To uncover your customers emotional buying requirement learn to ask, “What are you looking for in a…?” followed by “Why is that important to you?” The first question helps you learnrepparttar 127247 logical need whilerepparttar 127248 second question will helprepparttar 127249 customer expressrepparttar 127250 emotional reasons behind their purchase. Inrepparttar 127251 hundreds of sales training workshops I’ve conducted, I’ve learned that most salespeople and business owners have a tendency to leap into a product demonstration before they have learned what is important torepparttar 127252 customer. Investrepparttar 127253 time accurately and thoroughly learning your customer’s need and wants. This will help you to begin differentiating yourself from your competitor.

The next step is to give a presentation that focuses onrepparttar 127254 customer’s needs. Rather than discuss everything about your product or service, focus first on whatrepparttar 127255 customer identified as being important. This demonstrates that you listened to what they said and will help you separate yourself more effectively.

When presenting your product or service ensure you discussrepparttar 127256 benefits as well asrepparttar 127257 features. The feature is “what it is” andrepparttar 127258 benefit is “what it means torepparttar 127259 customer.” A great way to phrase this is to say, “Our equipment extracts 97% ofrepparttar 127260 water from your carpet (feature) which means your carpets will be dry torepparttar 127261 touch within three or four hours (benefit).” This addressesrepparttar 127262 customer’s emotional buying needs which means there is a greater likelihood they will buy from your versus a competitor.

Two Mistakes That Will Cost You Money

Written by Kelley Robertson

You’ve met a new prospect, accurately assessed their needs and determined that you can providerepparttar product and service she is looking for. You’ve presented your information in an engaging manner andrepparttar 127240 prospective customer appears interested. Many salespeople now make one or two very fatal mistakes that cost themrepparttar 127241 sale.

1.They don’t ask forrepparttar 127242 sale. 2.They talkrepparttar 127243 customer out ofrepparttar 127244 sale.

You may scoff and think these don’t happen. After all, how can salesperson or business owner NOT ask forrepparttar 127245 sale or talkrepparttar 127246 customer out it? Let’s first addressrepparttar 127247 issue of asking forrepparttar 127248 sale.

My experience has taught me thatrepparttar 127249 majority of salespeople fail to ask forrepparttar 127250 sale. Instead, they wait forrepparttar 127251 customer to say, “I’ll take it.” However, in many cases,repparttar 127252 customer doesn’t say this. She may be thinking thatrepparttar 127253 machine will enhance her operation and, hopefully, drive more revenue torepparttar 127254 bottom line. She may see that you offer something your competitors do not. She may also want to act quickly and haverepparttar 127255 equipment delivered and installed inrepparttar 127256 next few days. But she may not tell you that.

This is your responsibility! If you’ve worked throughrepparttar 127257 sales process and done everything properly up to that point then you’ve earnedrepparttar 127258 right to ask forrepparttar 127259 sale. Remember,repparttar 127260 prospect expects you to ask forrepparttar 127261 sale. You ask you get. The more you ask,repparttar 127262 more you get. If you leaverepparttar 127263 prospect’s business without asking forrepparttar 127264 sale you runrepparttar 127265 risk that a more assertive competitor will present their equipment and service, ask for, and getrepparttar 127266 sale! Then your work, effort and energy have been for nothing. I’m not suggesting you will close every sale by asking but I will guarantee that you will generate more business by consistently asking people for their business.

Inrepparttar 127267 last few months I have had at least three situations where I’ve been ready to buy a product or service butrepparttar 127268 salesperson failed to ask me. One of these involved membership in a networking group and duringrepparttar 127269 meeting I announced I was ready to join if someone wanted to take my money. To my surprise, no one approached and signed me up. It’s little wonder this group is not experiencing growth in its membership.

Unfortunately, many salespeople are afraid ofrepparttar 127270 rejection that comes with selling. By not asking forrepparttar 127271 sale, they avoidrepparttar 127272 possibility ofrepparttar 127273 customer saying no. Other salespeople are concerned they will appear pushy and risk offendingrepparttar 127274 prospect. Here are a few simple statements and questions you can use to moverepparttar 127275 sale forward:

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