Why Providing Excellence in Customer Service is Essential to Every Business

Written by Myron Curry

Customer service isrepparttar end-all to any company’s success or failure. The customer is what providesrepparttar 127148 income that a company needs to thrive and determines whether or not a company can continue to stay in business. Therefore, it is ofrepparttar 127149 utmost importance that a high level of customer service always be something to strive for. Without continued excellence in customer service, a company’s success is over before it starts.


So many times we see a company provide whatrepparttar 127150 customer is looking for and then send them on their way. In a bicycle shop, for example, a customer walks in and is obviously searching for something related to a bicycle. He or she mentions that a desire to purchase a new bicycle is what has brought them intorepparttar 127151 store that day. The shop owner has plenty of bicycles for sale, letsrepparttar 127152 customer find one they like, receives payment, and letsrepparttar 127153 transaction end there.

One thing to remember is that, often,repparttar 127154 businessman or woman knows more aboutrepparttar 127155 product or service they are providing than evenrepparttar 127156 most informed customer. Suppose thatrepparttar 127157 customer inrepparttar 127158 bicycle shop picked out a street racing, ten-speed bicycle andrepparttar 127159 shop owner, neglecting to develop a personal relationship withrepparttar 127160 customer, letrepparttar 127161 customer’s choice berepparttar 127162 beginning ofrepparttar 127163 transaction andrepparttar 127164 payment for said bicycle berepparttar 127165 end of it.

Now, suppose thatrepparttar 127166 same customer with a new street racing ten-speed bicycle was planning on taking that bicycle on a mountain trip through rugged and desolate trails. Obviously,repparttar 127167 street racing ten-speed is notrepparttar 127168 best of choices for doing so. Ifrepparttar 127169 shop owner had takenrepparttar 127170 time to talk torepparttar 127171 customer and asked questions such as, “So, planning on doing some riding? Where at?”repparttar 127172 shop owner would have been able to suggest a better product forrepparttar 127173 customer and, hence, developed an appreciative bond betweenrepparttar 127174 business andrepparttar 127175 customer, causingrepparttar 127176 customer to, more-than-likely, make a return visit.


Sometimes, excellent customer service calls forrepparttar 127177 unusual. Make an effort to gorepparttar 127178 extra mile and provide what is known as “customer-led services”. Some customers might work until 5:00 p.m., which is just when your store closes. Offering to letrepparttar 127179 customer shop afterrepparttar 127180 store closes is catering to a customer’s special needs and goes a LONG way inrepparttar 127181 relationship department. This sort of action also goes hand-in-hand with developing a personal relationship withrepparttar 127182 customer, as mentioned earlier. This example of customer service is something that can be used anywhere, from a small storefront business to a large corporation. The point is, pay attention to special needs of your customers, whether a customer is a casual shopper or a corporate client, and you will be rewarded with continued business from that customer again and again.

Sell at the top -- enjoy greater success!

Written by Frank Williams

As a former CEO of a good size industrial company, I always found it strange that I didn't have more salespeople call me directly. Did they know I always answered my own phone? Did they not intuitively understand that, at some point, I would be involved in any major buying decision? Did they not grasp that getting to know me and understand my thinking would be a smart move in closing any sales with my firm? And, to me, starting atrepparttar top seems to berepparttar 127147 best place to begin any sales cycle, yet my phone rarely had salesman attached torepparttar 127148 other end and many studies on sales techniques confirm this.

Would you be surprised to find out that more than seventy-five percent of high-level decision makers are involved early-on in any major buying process? A more shocking statistic yields that less than five percent of all salespeople talk torepparttar 127149 high-level decision maker. Why is this?

Global Marketing, Inc. held discussions with many salespeople about this inhibitor to greater sales achievement. Lack of business knowledge, low confidence or no experience connecting with high-level decision makers isrepparttar 127150 most common feedback as to why these sales people don't start atrepparttar 127151 top. Global Marketing suggests that if you have these individuals in your organization - route them out fast or train them how to approach and close on high-level decision makers, or your competitor will!

Selling atrepparttar 127152 highest level in any account makes good selling sense. Calling on these top-level people means talking to someone who hasrepparttar 127153 ability to say "yes" or "no" to your idea. Going straight torepparttar 127154 top means shorter sales cycle, better treatment, and will create additional pull for your idea. Those that sell atrepparttar 127155 top usually find there is less competition because (as earlier stated) most salespeople are too intimidated to call onrepparttar 127156 top decision maker. And when wasrepparttar 127157 last time you heard a top decision maker suggest that they don't haverepparttar 127158 budget for an idea they like.

Failure to call at a high level within a targeted business come with a variety of salespeople rationalizations. Many individuals we spoke to said they were afraid to go overrepparttar 127159 head of their lower-level contact in fear of offending them. Others stated they feel intimidated byrepparttar 127160 top level decision makers.

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