Why Phase-Out Organotin Paint?

Written by Margot B

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted a legally binding Convention banningrepparttar application of organotin anti-fouling paints on ships' hulls by 2003 and its presence by 2008. This requires not less than 25 States,repparttar 110141 combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 25% ofrepparttar 110142 gross tonnage ofrepparttar 110143 world's merchant shipping, it's not likely thatrepparttar 110144 Convention will enter into force by 2002. So WWF is seeking commitments from industry and government to show active support forrepparttar 110145 IMO Convention. This will be achieved through eliminatingrepparttar 110146 use of organotin paints, with action taken to bring about such elimination ofrepparttar 110147 use organotins before 2003,repparttar 110148 date proposed byrepparttar 110149 IMO. The main qualification for membership inrepparttar 110150 2003 Group (organotin-free group) will be thatrepparttar 110151 industry player concerned is fully organotin-free by January 1st 2003. Membership will not be granted torepparttar 110152 shipping companies unless their entire fleet is organotin free by 2003. Organotin compounds, such as TBT, are considered to be amongstrepparttar 110153 most toxic chemicals ever released intorepparttar 110154 marine environment. Even at very low concentrations, they have been shown to produce serious negative impacts upon marine life. These causerepparttar 110155 disruption ofrepparttar 110156 hormone systems in marine invertebrates, such as dogwhelks, causing fremales to acquirerepparttar 110157 sexual characteristics of males. Studies show that organotins are present in marine species at all levels ofrepparttar 110158 ecosystem: fish, birds and mammals. Possible human endocrine disrupting properties of organotins have been seen. Anti-fouling paints on ships' hulls is a major source of organotins. Organotin paint has been partially banned for use on smaller vessels. This has been shown to reduce levels of organotin, but their continued use on larger ships, andrepparttar 110159 fact thatrepparttar 110160 compounds can persist in sediments for a lengthy time period, means thatrepparttar 110161 marine environment is still saturated with these chemicals at unacceptably high levels.

Toxic Mold & Disease

Written by Margot B

Asthma has increased 300 percent in children inrepparttar past ten years. Research by WHO, in Germany, finds prostate cancer, breast cancer, and other cancers increasing due to mold-related problems.

Mold isrepparttar 110140 number one health problem with one in every three persons affected by mold and one in ten with a severe problem related to mold. These can range fromrepparttar 110141 common cold, tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia, to cancer. Check your home's humidity levels; buy or borrow a hygrometer and watchrepparttar 110142 changes in R.H. that occur throughout a typical day in different rooms ofrepparttar 110143 house and overrepparttar 110144 heating season. To inspect your home for mold growth, winter isrepparttar 110145 best time except for basements which should also be inspected inrepparttar 110146 summer. With a flashlight and some simple tools, go throughrepparttar 110147 entire house, both inside and outside, searching for moisture damage and mold growth and their potential causes.

The Stachybotrus species of mold is dangerous; it will start growing in 80 percent humidity but, once established, can grow at 55 percent humidity. This mold can develop fromrepparttar 110148 decay of building materials and is much harder to control. If more than ten square feet develop, it is advised that a professional clean it up. When you see a small speck of mold, that's only part ofrepparttar 110149 problem -repparttar 110150 remainder being insiderepparttar 110151 walls.

'Frog Page' is a manual ofrepparttar 110152 health ofrepparttar 110153 environment and states that frogs are declining because of mold.

Some ofrepparttar 110154 causes of mold are brush and trees within 30 feet ofrepparttar 110155 building; ventingrepparttar 110156 clothes drier insiderepparttar 110157 home; furniture against outside walls; old fill, causing building movement leading to cracks causing water ingress; concrete will wick up water even to several feet above ground; ventilation not directed outside, such asrepparttar 110158 kitchen range hood, which should be vented outside; plants and aquariums; drying clothing indoors; standing water, such as keeping cold water inrepparttar 110159 kitchen sink; hot tubs; using several gallons of water to wash floors.

'Sick Building Syndrome' is caused by moisture and mold growth. It migrates through foundations up fromrepparttar 110160 soil. A dehumidifier is notrepparttar 110161 final answer as it only doesrepparttar 110162 air and notrepparttar 110163 walls. What is required is a combination of ventilation, circulation, and heat. Carpenter ants and termites will smell moisture from miles away and they only attack damaged wood.

Ventilation alone won't help a crawl space. Inrepparttar 110164 summerrepparttar 110165 vents bring in warm, moist air.

Mold forms onrepparttar 110166 coldest space. The only way to deal with it is with heat. Wall heaters with fans are more efficient than baseboard heaters.

Pull furniture and store material away from exterior walls and off basement floors; leave closet doors ajar; leave bedroom doors open as much as possible; undercut doors; don't block or deflect warm air registers; open drapes, blinds, and curtains; setrepparttar 110167 furnace fan to run continuously. This will use more electricity but can be offset by installing a two-speed energy-efficient motor; don't cut offrepparttar 110168 heating supply or close off unused rooms.

Uninsulated or poorly insulated areas such as exterior corners or foundation walls, should be improved with additional insulation. Be sure to install an air-vapor barrier, usually polyethylene, onrepparttar 110169 room side ofrepparttar 110170 insulation to prevent hidden condensation behindrepparttar 110171 insulation. Seal hidden opening intorepparttar 110172 attic, tightenrepparttar 110173 attic hatch, weatherstrip and caulk around windows and doors, gasket electrical outlets, caulk baseboards and sealrepparttar 110174 top of foundations. Using an air conditioner on muggy summer days also helps take outrepparttar 110175 moisture.

Humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air-conditioning units and filtration systems can be a source of mold growth if they are not regularly cleaned.

Key areas to check for moisture sources leading to condensation insiderepparttar 110176 home are roof leaks [especially at chimneys, flashings, skylights and eavestroughing]; wall leaks [especially at window and door flashing and sills]; foundation leaks [especially whererepparttar 110177 ground slopes towardrepparttar 110178 foundation]; and plumbing leaks [especially at toilet bases and under sink drains].

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