Why PR is an Engine for Economic Growth

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 1085 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2004.

Why PR is an Engine for Economic Growth

Business, non-profit and association managers committing their public relations resources to (1) doing something about repparttar behaviors of those important outside audiences that most affect their operation, (2) creatingrepparttar 103848 kind of external stakeholder behavior change that leads directly to achieving their managerial objectives, and (3) doing so by persuading those key outside folks to their way of thinking by helping to move them to take actions that allow their department, division or subsidiary to succeed – greatly increaserepparttar 103849 chances of success for their operation.

Thus, feedingrepparttar 103850 engine of their own economic growth AND that ofrepparttar 103851 nation at large.

But, in reality, it takes more than good intentions for any manager to alter individual perception leading to changed behaviors, something of profound importance to ALL business, non-profit and association managers.

What they need is a simple PR blueprint that gets everyone working towardsrepparttar 103852 same external audience behaviors insuring thatrepparttar 103853 organization’s public relations effort stays sharply focused.

For example, a blueprint like this: people act on their own perception ofrepparttar 103854 facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-actionrepparttar 103855 very people whose behaviors affectrepparttar 103856 organizationrepparttar 103857 most,repparttar 103858 public relations mission is accomplished.

In that way, those same business, non-profit and association managers can see results such as new proposals for strategic alliances and joint ventures; customers making repeat purchases; prospects starting to work with them; membership applications onrepparttar 103859 rise; capital givers or specifying sources looking their way, and even bounces in showroom visits.

But HOW those managers pull that off formsrepparttar 103860 real challenge.

Here’s howrepparttar 103861 best of them can do it. They find out who among their key external audiences is behaving in ways that help or hinderrepparttar 103862 achievement of their objectives. Then, they list them according to how severely their behaviors affect their organization.

But precisely HOW do most members of that key outside audience perceive their organization? Ifrepparttar 103863 budget to pay for what could be costly professional survey counsel isn’t there, Ms. or Mr. manager and his or her PR colleagues will have to monitor those perceptions themselves. Actually, they should be quite familiar with perception and behavior matters.

Getting that activity under way means meeting with members of that outside audience and asking questions like “Are you familiar with our services or products?” “Have you ever had contact with anyone from our organization? Was it a satisfactory experience?” And if you are that manager, you must be sensitive to negative statements, especially evasive or hesitant replies. And watch carefully for false assumptions, untruths, misconceptions, inaccuracies and potentially damaging rumors. When you find such, they will need to be corrected, as they inevitably lead to negative behaviors.

Banish Those Bookkeeping Blues!

Written by Tracey Lawton

Are you one of those people who are guilty of just stuffing your receipts into a folder and thinking 'I'll sort that out when I've got time'?

Do you need a more organised bookkeeping system, nothing too flash, just something that's simple and easy to manage?

Follow my tips below and you'll soon have that simple and easy-to-manage bookkeeping system that won't bring you out in a cold sweat whenever you hearrepparttar words 'tax return'. And I promise you, it works!

Gather your supplies! Get hold of a large ring binder, divider cards, A4/letter-sized paper, stapler, pen, all your business receipts and invoices, plastic folders and a large coffee (or whatever else you prefer!).

Then lock yourself away for a couple of hours.

Get organised You now need to organise your ring binder intorepparttar 103847 following sections:

Invoices - Unpaid -- this section is for your outgoing business expenses that have not yet been paid i.e. supplier invoices. Write onrepparttar 103848 top of each invoicerepparttar 103849 date it needs to be paid by and place all unpaid invoices in 'date to be paid' order withrepparttar 103850 earliest one on top.

Invoices - Paid -- this section is for your outgoing business expenses that have been paid or you've paid atrepparttar 103851 time service was rendered, i.e. that ream of paper that you bought fromrepparttar 103852 office supplies store. Staple each receipt on to a blank piece of paper rather than just putting them directly intorepparttar 103853 ring binder. This just makes it easier to see at a glance all your receipts and you can also make notes onrepparttar 103854 paper. Also write onrepparttar 103855 top of each invoice/piece of paperrepparttar 103856 method of payment.

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