Why Our Healthcare System Isn't Healthy

Written by Deb Bromley

Most people are well aware that an estimated 45 million Americans currently do not have healthcare, but isrepparttar crisis simplyrepparttar 135474 lack of health insurance or evenrepparttar 135475 cost of health insurance? Is there a bigger underlying problem atrepparttar 135476 root of our healthcare system? Althoughrepparttar 135477 U.S. claims to haverepparttar 135478 most advanced medicine inrepparttar 135479 world, government health statistics and peer-reviewed journals are painting a different picture -- that allopathic medicine often causes more harm than good.

People in general have always felt they could trust doctors andrepparttar 135480 medical profession, but according torepparttar 135481 Journal ofrepparttar 135482 American Medical Association in July 2000, iatrogenic death, also known as death from physician error or death from medical treatment, wasrepparttar 135483 third leading cause of death in America and rising, responsible for at least 250,000 deaths per year. Those statistics are considered conservative by many, asrepparttar 135484 reported numbers only include in-hospital deaths, not injury or disability, and do not include external iatrogenic deaths such as those resulting from nursing home and other private facility treatments, and adverse effects of prescriptions. One recent study estimatedrepparttar 135485 total unnecessary deaths from iatrogenic causes at approximately 800,000 per year at a cost of $282 billion per year, which would make death from American medicinerepparttar 135486 leading cause of death in our country.

Currently, at least 2 out of 3 Americans use medications, 32 million Americans are taking three or more medications daily, and commercials and advertisements for pharmaceutical drugs have saturatedrepparttar 135487 marketplace. Although our population is aging, exorbitantly expensive drugs are being marketed and dispensed to younger and younger patients, including many children who years ago would never have been given or needed medication, for everything from ADHD to asthma to bipolar disease and diabetes. Clearly,repparttar 135488 state of health in this country is not improving even though there are an increasing number of medications and treatments. Between 2003 and 2010,repparttar 135489 number of prescriptions are expected to increase substantially by 47%. In recent years, numerous drugs previously deemed safe byrepparttar 135490 FDA have been recalled because of their toxicity, afterrepparttar 135491 original drug approvals were actually funded byrepparttar 135492 invested pharmaceutical companies themselves.

According torepparttar 135493 media, thanks to advances in U.S. drugs and medical procedures, Americans are living longer statistically, but they are living longer sicker, with a lower quality of life, and often dependent on multiple expensive synthetic medications that do not cure or addressrepparttar 135494 underlying causes, but only suppress symptoms, often with a plethora of dangerous side effects torepparttar 135495 tune of billions of dollars forrepparttar 135496 drug industry. Considering thatrepparttar 135497 U.S. is supposed to haverepparttar 135498 most advanced technology inrepparttar 135499 world andrepparttar 135500 best health care system, it is at odds that we spendrepparttar 135501 most on healthcare, yet arerepparttar 135502 most obese and most afflicted with illness outside ofrepparttar 135503 AIDS epidemic in some third world countries.

Unless you have an acute emergency that requires emergency room care, being admitted to a hospital environment may also be more dangerous to your health than staying out. In 2003, epidemiologists reported inrepparttar 135504 New England Journal of Medicine that hospital-acquired infections have risen steadily in recent decades, with blood and tissue infections known as sepsis almost tripling from 1979 to 2000. Nearly two million patients inrepparttar 135505 U.S. get an infection while inrepparttar 135506 hospital each year, and of those patients over 90,000 die per year, up dramatically from just 13,300 in 1992. Statistics show that approximately 56% ofrepparttar 135507 population has been unnecessarily treated, or mistreated, byrepparttar 135508 medical industry.

Things You Ought To Know First Before Undergoing Liposuction Surgery

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

According torepparttar medical dictionary of Medline Plus, liposuction isrepparttar 135473 removal of excess body fat by suction with specialized surgical equipments, typically performed by a plastic surgeon.

Withrepparttar 135474 removal of excess body fat,repparttar 135475 body appearance improves and evens out distorted body parts. Breasts, buttocks, abdomen, andrepparttar 135476 face area are some ofrepparttar 135477 most popular body parts that undergo liposuction.

Foremost reason why people resort to liposuction is for cosmetic reasons. They want to eradicate "love handles", unsightly fat bulges, an abnormal chin line, etc.

Liposuction also helps improve sexual function by reducing fat deposits onrepparttar 135478 inner thighs, thus allowing easier access torepparttar 135479 vagina.

Another reason for undergoing liposuction is body shaping that cannot be achieved by diet and/or exercise.

A note of caution, liposuction is not a cure for generalized obesity.

Liposuction is not as easy as just going torepparttar 135480 doctor and telling him or her, "I want a liposuction right now." People who want to have liposuction must meet certain criteria:

1) There should be a preliminary consultation. This includes history ofrepparttar 135481 patient, a comprehensive physical examination, and a psychological health examination;

2) There should be a second consultation to give time forrepparttar 135482 patient to think overrepparttar 135483 planned liposuction surgery;

3) Ifrepparttar 135484 patient is married,repparttar 135485 spouse's presence may be required duringrepparttar 135486 consultation;

4) The patient should ask questions about liposuction, expressrepparttar 135487 reasons forrepparttar 135488 consultation, and must feel satisfied withrepparttar 135489 answers to their questions;

5) The patient must fully understandrepparttar 135490 pre-operative liposuction preparations,repparttar 135491 liposuction procedures, andrepparttar 135492 precise post-operative liposuction care to avoid lethal complications;

6) The patient must have realistic expectations. Liposuction enhancesrepparttar 135493 body appearance and boost self-confidence but it will never result to a perfect body.

Because liposuction is a medical procedure, there are risks involved. Some ofrepparttar 135494 complications that may happen upon having liposuction are:

* Fluid imbalance due torepparttar 135495 removal of a lot of liquid during liposuction and/or injection of large amounts of liquid during liposuction which can result to shock, heart problems, or kidney problems.

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