Why Most Diets Fail

Written by Nathan Latvaitis

Ever thought of, known someone, or gone on a diet? You probably have. The word diet seems like a common word for someone who is unsatisfied with their current physical condition. The problem is that most diets usually end up failing…inrepparttar long run. Going on a “diet” usually refers to eating alot less food, inrepparttar 131266 hope that it will make us lose those unwanted pounds of fat. Although there are different types of diets, 90% of them stress a strong reduction in calories one way or another.

Everyone has a certain amount of calories that they require per day to keep themselves alive and to perform bodily processes. This requirement of calories is known as Resting Metabolic Rate or RMR for short. Forrepparttar 131267 purpose of this article, we will use my body as an example. My RMR is about 2500 calories/day. I will eat about 2500 calories to just keep myself alive. Note: You can calculate your RMR at http://www.weight-loss-resources.com/calculators/rmr.html

On another note, our bodies adapt torepparttar 131268 stimuli that they are exposed to. For instance, when one lifts weights their body adapts by growing muscle, when one runs long distances their bodies adapt by building more capillaries to enhance blood flow, when one is exposed to cold temperatures their body begins to shiver in an attempt to create heat through muscle contractions, etc. The point is our bodies adapt to essentially everything that they are exposed to, including how many calories we eat per day.

So, when our bodies are exposed to a calorie deficit (a lower number of calories than our RMR) they must adapt. Let’s say that I want to go on a diet and I begin to eat 1000 calories a day instead ofrepparttar 131269 normal 2500 (Actually, I eat more than 2500 calories because I exercise and perform daily activities. 2500 only accounts forrepparttar 131270 calories needed to keep my body alive. Although forrepparttar 131271 sake of simplicity, we are only usingrepparttar 131272 RMR. Ifrepparttar 131273 message within these parentheses confused you, simply ignore it.) One ofrepparttar 131274 first ways my body is going to adapt is by using up my fat stores to make up forrepparttar 131275 lack of calories. This is why most diets seem to work inrepparttar 131276 beginning. The thing is,repparttar 131277 body does not want to keep using its precious fat stores for energy. The human body does not see fat as a bad thing; it is a backup mechanism for when a calorie deficit is introduced.

Weight Loss Surgery: A Last Resort

Written by Jamie Clark

Thinking about weight loss surgery? You're not alone. Over two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Many are looking for ways to lower their bodyweight and enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle. A fast surgical procedure seems like a great option. But, forrepparttar vast majority of people, weight loss surgery should be a last resort.

One ofrepparttar 131264 most common types of weight loss surgery is liposuction, a procedure that removes excess fat fromrepparttar 131265 waistline. Thousands of people - mostly women - undergo liposuction surgery every year. For many, it appears to be a much easier alternative to diet and exercise. Yet recent studies show that removing abdominal fat with liposuction provides almost none ofrepparttar 131266 health benefits of "normal" weight loss: lowered levels of blood sugar, insulin and inflammation-related biomarkers, not to mention increased cardiovascular fitness, improved muscle tone, stronger bones, etc.

Another little-known problem with liposuction weight loss surgery: over 40% of patients regainrepparttar 131267 weight they lose fromrepparttar 131268 procedure. Why? Simply because they make no healthy lifestyle changes. Some even believe that they can exercise less and eat more now that they have fewer abdominal fat cells. Obviously this isn't true and thousands of people find that outrepparttar 131269 hard way.

Other types of weight loss surgery are designed forrepparttar 131270 severely obese - generally those people with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. These surgeries, which include gastric bypass and various "banding" and "stapling" procedures, have helped many formerly-obese people enjoy a higher-quality of life. However, all of these operations involve a considerable amount of risk.

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