Why Most Affiliate Marketers Fail!

Written by Dan Farrell

You can't make money with affiliate programs if you listen torepparttar affiliate program!

I know that sounds like gobbly-gook but here is what 99% of affiliate members end up doing, and ensuring their lack of success:

1. They see a sales page that looks interesting.

2. They sign up forrepparttar 120271 affiliate program

3. They copy/pasterepparttar 120272 pre-made ads, pointing torepparttar 120273 affiliates web page, and submitrepparttar 120274 ads to safelists, their own lists, hit exchanges or other advertising, usuallyrepparttar 120275 freebies.

4. They don't make a sale, quitrepparttar 120276 program and move on to another, thinking, "well that product sucked".

5. They repeatrepparttar 120277 process withrepparttar 120278 next 'sure winner' according torepparttar 120279 author/owner ofrepparttar 120280 affiliate program... who knows (or should) how to write a great sales page. Does this sound like you? Don't feel bad if it is because you aren't alone. 95% of affiliates never make more than $10! At any time!

So, what do you do?

1. First go to Clickbank, Commission Junction, www.cj.com, www.Linkshare.com  and do diligent research in a 'niche' market that you have interest or knowledge in. It's not absolutely necessary that you 'love'repparttar 120281 product or service, but it will help convince a prospect that you believe inrepparttar 120282 product.

2. After choosing a product that has a high conversion rate (visitors to buyers), create a web site. CJ gives you a report ofrepparttar 120283 last 3 months and last 7 days earnings per click. This really helps you to chooserepparttar 120284 best paying merchant.

Side Note: One ofrepparttar 120285 best ways to determine whether a product will be profitable is with Product Idea Profitability Evaluator. I am amazed at how I can eliminate what I thought was a great 'niche market' with this software tool It gives you keyword Assessment, Profitability Potential (this one gives you a # that instantly determinesrepparttar 120286 potential profits). It also gives yourepparttar 120287 pay per click estimate which will tell you whether it should be profitable by advertising in them.

You can get a free 10 day trial here

 Download a very good ebook "Think Niche And Grow  Rich" which hasrepparttar 120288 free trial link in it.  http://www.ad-alyzer.com/727/nichecourse  AOL Users

Distinguish Your Business From The Competition

Written by Biana Babinsky

You followed time-honored online marketing techniques torepparttar letter: you have a great web site,repparttar 120270 site has a high search engine rank, and you created a compelling marketing message that showcases your unique selling proposition. Unfortunately, your competitors are readingrepparttar 120271 same playbook and are implementingrepparttar 120272 same marketing strategies. The net result is that a potential customer found your web site, but also foundrepparttar 120273 sites of your most savvy competitors. How can you get a marketing edge in this situation?

Distinguishing your business fromrepparttar 120274 competition is essential for growing your customer base. Here are three techniques that will give your business crucial marketing sparkle:

Distinguish your web site. Many entrepreneurs get a web site template and content from their parent company and use it as-is, without modifying anything at all. Since all ofrepparttar 120275 representatives get exactlyrepparttar 120276 same site template fromrepparttar 120277 parent company, how are you different from all ofrepparttar 120278 other representatives? There is nothing wrong with eitherrepparttar 120279 template orrepparttar 120280 content, and it is perfectly acceptable to use a cookie-cutter web site for selling to your existing customer base. However, to attract new customers, you must distinguish your business. Provide superior customer service. Your customers might not be ready to buyrepparttar 120281 first time they visit your web site, but they are likely to have questions or concerns about your products or services. Make time to reply to their questions within 24 hours so that you can showcase your customer service. If you are not paying attention to them when they are potential customers, how much attention will they get once they are actual customers? Note that you must provide excellent post-sale customer service as well — stellar pre-sale service that becomes non-existent afterrepparttar 120282 payment has been processed is a great way to loserepparttar 120283 customer you just acquired. Customer retention should berepparttar 120284 cornerstone of your business strategy — acquiring a new customer is an order of magnitude more expensive that retaining an existing customer.

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