Why I'll Bet on the Bull

Written by William Cate

Why I'll Bet onrepparttar Bull By William Cate Published May 2002 [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]

Last week, most Daytraders had a terrible week. The Bear slaughtered them byrepparttar 112478 thousands. There was "Blood inrepparttar 112479 Streets" atrepparttar 112480 wire houses where Daytraders congregate. Did we witnessrepparttar 112481 beginning of a Recession or Depression last week?

There are many sound reasons for betting onrepparttar 112482 Bear. Here are a half dozen reasons thatrepparttar 112483 Bear should win. 1. We've had a 17 year Bull Market. It has gone on too long andrepparttar 112484 DIA is too high. 2. Private businesses are making less profit. 3. Few public companies are profitable. 4. Business costs are going up faster than business revenue. 5. The Feds should tightenrepparttar 112485 money supply. I doubt they'll do it because they will fearrepparttar 112486 Bear andrepparttar 112487 potential of a Recession. 6. Inflation is higher thanrepparttar 112488 Government reports. The Government removed heating oil and gasoline fromrepparttar 112489 inflation index because they have nearly doubled in price.

There is one simple reason thatrepparttar 112490 Bull will win. Afterrepparttar 112491 1987 Market Correction,repparttar 112492 Government decided to allowrepparttar 112493 Feds to invest inrepparttar 112494 Market. The Feds started buying stocks around noon Friday (4/14/00). They will continue to buy until panic ends. Meanwhile, they haverepparttar 112495 weekend to manipulate Market Forces. It's a matter of aligning allies and educatingrepparttar 112496 press and others as torepparttar 112497 reasonsrepparttar 112498 Bull should prevail beforerepparttar 112499 November election.

Stock Is Money

Written by William Cate

Stock is Money By William Cate Published May 1998 [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]

Every public company has a permit to print money. We call their money "stock." The public company's job is to convince investors that their stock is worth more thanrepparttar investor's money. When you succeed, your share price is strong. When you fail, your share price collapses. Eventually, your company will fail.

Stock, like money, suffers from inflation. The objection to paper money isrepparttar 112477 ability ofrepparttar 112478 Government to expand its supply. When a Government inflates its currency, it risks economic upheaval. National financial instability leads to political unrest. President Suharto of Indonesia is an example ofrepparttar 112479 risks politicians run with inflation.

Public companies runrepparttar 112480 same inflation risk. One reasonrepparttar 112481 Canadian Stock Markets lack credibility is that they allowrepparttar 112482 listed company insiders to inflaterepparttar 112483 issued stock and dump it. I disagree withrepparttar 112484 SEC decision to reducerepparttar 112485 holding period for insider stock to one year. The inflated shares hitrepparttar 112486 market like a tidal wave. Whenrepparttar 112487 U. S. Government inflatesrepparttar 112488 currency, it takes about eighteen months forrepparttar 112489 American people to see higher prices. When a public company issues more stock, it often takes a few days forrepparttar 112490 stock to depressrepparttar 112491 company's share price. At best, it takes a year forrepparttar 112492 company's shareholders to payrepparttar 112493 price forrepparttar 112494 stock inflation.

One wayrepparttar 112495 American Government has offset its tendency to inflaterepparttar 112496 dollar is to convince non-Americans ofrepparttar 112497 stability ofrepparttar 112498 U. S. dollar. You can find U. S. Hundred-dollar bills hidden in mattresses from India to Russia. People are storing dollars as a hedge against local economic instability. What these dollar hoarders fail to realize is thatrepparttar 112499 American Government may not redeem those dollars inrepparttar 112500 future.

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