Why Hire a Professional Transcriptionist to Convert Your Dictation or Audio Recordings to Typed Text?

Written by Laurie Kristensen

In a discussion forum for non-fiction writers (where I had posted my introduction of myself and my professional transcription business), another member replied and mentioned that for simple dictation, she uses a voice recognition software program.

When what she had said really sank in, I felt like someone had kicked me inrepparttar gut!

Then my reaction was huge dismay and questioning, "Why should I even stay in business?" This came JUST after spending almost two months getting clear on why my transcription business feels exciting to me and realizing that I want to assist and support creative, positive, motivated people to succeed in ways they have not been able to before, working on interesting projects!

I imagined emptying my transcription business website of all information -- just leaving a notice (as a ‘public service’) pointing out torepparttar 102923 people who THINK they need me to transcribe their audios that they should go and buy that software instead!

Yikes! Drastic thoughts!

But seriously, then I started thinking some more...

I mean, it's a legitimate question! Why SHOULD someone hire me if they can buy software for dictation?

In what situations would dictation software be inferior than having a live, intelligent human being (who is passionate about helping her clients succeed) listening and transcribing their audio material instead?

Knowing such software exists, ANYONE might appropriately ask that question!

Since I've never worked with this kind of software, I realize I may not understand it perfectly, so I decided to ask some questions...

With audio recordings of interviews, groups, or live teleclasses, seminars, and so forth, how doesrepparttar 102924 software distinguish between multiple speakers? How does it know to punctuate and breakrepparttar 102925 text into paragraphs appropriately?

When people just speak naturally, their speech is filled with tons of 'ahs' and 'ummms' and 'you know's' and so forth. Doesrepparttar 102926 software know to filter those out when appropriate? People also string multiple sentences together with 'and' forever! Doesrepparttar 102927 software know when to breakrepparttar 102928 sentences apart?

Financial Freedom, is it only a dream or just steps away?

Written by Yochention Saritoh

Almost all of us go to work everyday and dorepparttar same routine over and over again. We work so hard until we caught up inrepparttar 102922 routines for years. Withrepparttar 102923 salary that we earn every day, we try to pay all of our bills. We always expect to get a higher salary, getting promotion or our business running better so we can earn more money. But we do not realize that when we get more income, we also have spent more money on our needs. After we work for two, five, or even ten years we just realize that we have been inrepparttar 102924 rat race of our financial troubles.

So, to be financially free is only a dream for us, we don’t think that is possible. We already set our mind set that we will retire after 40 years of working and then we start to enjoy our life after that. I don’t want to do that.

What if you can getrepparttar 102925 financial freedom faster than 40 years? What if I can show you how to get to financial freedom in 5 years? Wouldn’t it be interesting for you?

There are couples steps to achieve financial freedom.

First, you have to getrepparttar 102926 right mind set. Your mind set is what you are. You have heard old saying “You Are What You Think You Are”. This is true, when you think that you will always be poor then you will always be poor. When you think that you are a loser then you always will be a loser. When you think that you are short, then you always will be short. You see what I mean? Unless you want to change your mind set torepparttar 102927 positive way, there is no way that you can get your dream, which is Financially Free. You have to believe in yourself and think that is possible for you to achieve financial freedom. From that kind of mindset, you will get different power in yourself and attitudes that will guide you until you achieve your goal.

Second, if you do haverepparttar 102928 right mind set, you have to changerepparttar 102929 bad habit that you have. If you don’t haverepparttar 102930 money, don’t spend it! Our society nowadays, has a brand new habit that does not exist centuries ago. We can spend our money before we earn it! That’s right; I am talking about credit card. If possible, cut allrepparttar 102931 credit cards that are not in used. We will be trap in this financial mouse trap easily with allrepparttar 102932 credit cards lying around on our tables. We have to be discipline by only keep one or two credit card that we use often only for emergency.

If you use your credit card, please do it in your current budget, not your future budget. A lot of people are trapped because they use their credit card based on their ‘future’ budget. For example, Bob just got promoted this week, and his salary will be raised next month. He was so happy about it, and then he spends his future salary with his credit card. This isrepparttar 102933 mistake that we often do. In short, don’t spend it until you have it in your ‘pocket’.

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