Why Don't Women Have Life Insurance?

Written by Ivon T. Hughes

Traditionally, life insurance companies solicited men asrepparttar main breadwinners in a family to ensure, that they had adequate life insurance coverage.

Now, times have changed, butrepparttar 142302 statistics on women show that great percentage of American and Canadian women carry no life insurance. And those that do have a policy, carry about half as much coverage as men do.

Most modern U.S. and Canadian households are dual-income households. If you are married, especially if you have children, would your husband be able to affordrepparttar 142303 family style of living if you were to pass away? If you are single, who would assumerepparttar 142304 burden of paying for your final costs if you were to pass away? This may fall to your parents, who are also likely to be living on a fixed income. Many single women, especially those with children, may be on a tight budget and feel they can't afford life insurance. However, they may be surprised to know that a 30 year old healthy woman can purchase a $250,000 10-year term life insurance policy for $12.00 a month. If you are a healthy 50 year old, that does not mean it is too late to buy affordable life insurance; your cost forrepparttar 142305 same policy as above would only be about $37.00 a month. If you have children, it is especially important to make sure they will be taken care of if anything were to happen to you.

How to use a Home Equity Line of Credit Calculator

Written by John Ross

Most home owners know thatrepparttar lowerrepparttar 142270 interest rate,repparttar 142271 lowerrepparttar 142272 monthly payments. But thenrepparttar 142273 process may get a bit fuzzy. While your monthly payments may berepparttar 142274 same every month, you are not applyingrepparttar 142275 same amount torepparttar 142276 principal ofrepparttar 142277 loan. Your amortization will vary month to month. So, you will have to use a little math to determine how much equity you are actually gaining. Are you confused yet? If you are, don't worry. There is luckily a very helpful tool that will takerepparttar 142278 guess work out of home equity loans. Before you commit to anything, you should play around with a home equity loan calculator to determine how much you can borrow. There are many sites available online that give you free access to a wealth of tools and calculators.

What is a home equity loan calculator? Basically, it is a mathematical program that will ask for a few key pieces of information. It will then calculate how much you can borrow, and show you an example of what your amortization schedule would look like. Your lender may use a similar program to determinerepparttar 142279 amount that you can borrow against your home.

Once you find a home equity loan calculator, you will need to enter in a little bit of information. First it will ask yourepparttar 142280 value of your home. Typically,repparttar 142281 more accurate this figurerepparttar 142282 more likely you are to get an accurate end result. Most appraisal companies will take private orders, so you can order an appraisal at any time prior to actually obtaining a loan. Prices vary by location, but you can expect to spend a few hundred dollars obtaining a report. Second, you will be askedrepparttar 142283 amount owed on your current mortgage. This should include any first or second mortgages that you may already have out. Consult your mortgage lender to find outrepparttar 142284 exact amount owed atrepparttar 142285 present time. From these two figuresrepparttar 142286 program will determine how much equity you have inrepparttar 142287 home. You may also be asked forrepparttar 142288 loan to value ratio required. This is typically 80%, 90%, 100%, or even 125%.

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