Why Don't My Subscribers Listen to Me?

Written by Alice Seba

I received a very good question from a subscriber and I wanted to share it with you:

"I have almost 500 people sigend up to receive my newsletter but each time I send it 8-9 open it and 1 =3 click ontorepparttar website. Now what do I do?"

Honestly, there could a lot of factors involved inrepparttar 103049 low open rate. If 8 or 9 actually open it and then you get 1-3 click...that's pretty good. Butrepparttar 103050 problem here, seems to be with getting people to openrepparttar 103051 darned email.

Here's a couple things to think about:

1. How much of your email is getting through? Could your email orrepparttar 103052 service you're using be blacklisted by certain ISPs? I would check and see if you can see how many of your emails are actually going through.

2. How about a compelling subject line? Test out different subject lines to see what grabs your subscribers interest. If you're still writing:

"MyDomain.com Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 14"

Then cut it out!:) That's not going to get people to open it. Try to give them a quick glimpse of what's inside and make it interesting. You'll probably find certain things grab your subscriber's attention than others.

3. What arerepparttar 103053 contents of your newsletter like? Is there a reason for people to open it if they don't have their wallet ready to buy something? I know that many people who sell products only place information about product specials, etc....but if your subscriber is not in a buying mood, they may not open your email.

Gorepparttar 103054 extra mile and provide them with VALUE in your newsletter. Give them special tips and advice related to your product that will help them solve problems.

Why Does FACTA Matter to Me?

Written by Jonathan Kraft

As an employer, what you don’t know about FACTA can definitely hurt you. FACTA stands for Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act. FACTA isrepparttar law which allows any American access to their credit report once per year. The law went into effect Jan. 1, 2005. So what does that mean for you as an employer?

On June 1, 2005, a new provision of FACTA goes into effect. It says that any employer (even if you only employ one person, and you have their personal information so that you can pay social security taxes,) whose action or inaction results inrepparttar 103048 loss of employee information, can be fined by federal and state government, and sued in civil court.

A USA Today article on FACTA from Jan. 14. 2005, stated “Bet you didn't know that.” But you need to know, and need to know what you can do to protect yourself.

Small Businesses affectedrepparttar 103049 most ‘"A small businessman who makes a mistake could bearrepparttar 103050 brunt of a regulation like this," says James Plummer, policy analyst at Consumer Alert, a non-profit group that focuses on a free-market approach to consumer regulations.’

The USA Today article goes on to say that “if you don't shred and information gets out, there are penalties.” But what if you do shred all potential employee information, and take all necessary precautions to protect your past, current, and future employees’ identities, andrepparttar 103051 information still gets out somehow? Under FACTA, you could still be held responsible.

You may not think information theft could happen to you, but neither did this short list of companies, universities, government institutions, and businesses that have had employee or customer information stolen from them:

DSW Shoe Warehouse

Lexis Nexis

University of Northern Colorado

California State University (Chico)

University of California – Berkeley

University of Maryland

Las Vegas Department of Motor Vehicles

Bank of America

Choice Point

Weld County (CO) Employees (information stolen by an inmate while in jail)

How can you, as an employer, minimize your liability? There are hundreds of things you can do to minimize liability, which are probably things you already do. Document shredding, redaction of electronically stored information, careful screening of employees who will be coming into contact with personal information of customers and employees, physically locking file drawers with sensitive information, and setting up firewalls on computer equipment connected torepparttar 103052 Internet, among hundreds of other solutions, are all good ideas. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is definitelyrepparttar 103053 case when it comes to securing personal information. However, no matter what prevention steps you take, there is no 100% effective way to be sure that employee’s information won’t be compromised. Even ifrepparttar 103054 information doesn’t get out from your company, an employee can claim that it did.

That's a scary thought! What if an employee claims that their information was stolen throughrepparttar 103055 actions of your company, but there’s no real proof to back it up? You will end up hiring (or using) an attorney to represent and defend your company in court. At $150 - $200/hour for most attorneys acrossrepparttar 103056 United States, how long can you afford to defend your company?

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