Why Doesn't God Heal Us?

Written by Mariane Holbrook

WHY DOESN'T GOD HEAL US? By Mariane Holbrook

I stood inrepparttar doorway of Mother's nursing home room and wept quietly. She couldn't see me. She sat inrepparttar 126515 chair beside her bed with her head on her knees, a few small pillows wedged behind her back and a pink shawl pulled across her frail and bony shoulders. She was moaning softly, "Dear God, help me. Please, God, help me."

Tears ran in rivulets down my face as I asked God again, "Why? Why is this dear saint of God suffering so? She's 96 years old. She's suffered with unrelenting pain all her life. And if that wasn't enough, why did she have to break her leg walking downrepparttar 126516 hall and lie in agony for many weeks in a cast withrepparttar 126517 leg never properly healing? Please help me understandrepparttar 126518 problem of pain. Please."

One very early morning before sunrise, God in His mercy took Mother Home to be with Him. Her two daughters who lived nearrepparttar 126519 nursing center watched as she was placed in a body bag and carried out. From their exhaustion in overseeing her care for several years, they cried in their grief but thankful that her long battle with unending pain was finally over.

That was nine years ago. I am just now beginning to understandrepparttar 126520 problem of pain because I live with it. I wish I had understood it while Mother was still living. I could have empathized more and ministered to her better. Before, I was an observer of pain. Now I am a participant, however reluctantly.

I have watched televangelists declare healing to precious believers who are brought en masse to their meetings. I have seen crutches being tossed carelessly aside, wheel chairs pushed againstrepparttar 126521 walls as invalids were encouraged to walk or run acrossrepparttar 126522 platform torepparttar 126523 applause and shouting of thousands inrepparttar 126524 audience. I pray many were healed instantly but what of those who were not? Did they return home in abject, total disappointment with God, still not understandingrepparttar 126525 reason for their pain? Did they continue to declare healing when none was forthcoming? Worst of all, did they begin to lose their faith inrepparttar 126526 One who had saved them?

As evangelical Christians, we are taught early that there is healing inrepparttar 126527 atonement. "By his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:3) And "He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. (Matthew 8:17) We reason, "If we can trust Christ for our salvation, can we not also trust Him for our healing? God never turns away one soul who confesses his sin and asks for forgiveness throughrepparttar 126528 atoning blood of Jesus. Why does He seem to be capricious and selective in choosing those who will be healed from their sickness and those who will not?"

Theologians have battled this discussion for centuries and have yet to come up with compelling reasons for pain that fully satisfy those who are hurting.

But for me, it has been reduced to one simple explanation: healing is temporal but grace is eternal. Given a choice, I will take grace every time.

Grace has been defined as "the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God" or "God’s love and favor torepparttar 126529 undeserving."

The same God who has saved me from my sins, who has promised me eternal life, can be trusted to know what I need to do to be more like His Son, Jesus. He decides how much ofrepparttar 126530 boiling cauldron I need to endure, not only for my benefit but for those watching my life. In His divine wisdom, He determines who is selected to share in "the fellowship of His suffering." (Philippians 3:10)

Should we pray for a divine touch of healing on those who suffer? Yes. And we should pray earnestly and without ceasing, exercising faith and holding ontorepparttar 126531 promises of God. But never should we pile guilt onrepparttar 126532 infirmed by declaring that their lack of faith isrepparttar 126533 sole reason for their not being healed.

Hollywood's Best Try...

Written by Terry Dashner

Faith Fellowship Church…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…918-451-0270…Terry Dashner, Pastor

Jesus still walks among men and women. And He wants to walk with you.

The name of Jesus is still all powerful. Jesus—there is no other name greater.

Are you aware that you serve a living Savior and not a book, doctrine, rule, or a creed. Sincerepparttar movie, The Passion ofrepparttar 126514 Christ, I’ve become even more aware ofrepparttar 126515 power behindrepparttar 126516 story of Jesus’ suffering. Not long afterrepparttar 126517 showing ofrepparttar 126518 movie in America, I read a report of a murderer in Texas who lived with a guilty conscience. He murdered his pregnant girlfriend and had somehow evaded suspicion byrepparttar 126519 police; however, after watchingrepparttar 126520 film he was so moved that he sought spiritual guidance immediately. The Passion film was so powerful that it brought conviction to his heart, and afterwards he turned himself over torepparttar 126521 police. Jesus is still all powerful.

Now let me share something else with you. The New York Times reported (May 6, 2004, in a story by Sharon Waxman) that MGM was screening a film titled, “Saved!” Hollywood’s “big shots” who told Mel Gibson he was crazy for making a movie about Jesus, were themselves wanting to capitalize on a religious film. But, then again, Hollywood is twisted and misguided. To think they could match or surpassrepparttar 126522 success of Gibson’s film is preposterous. According to Cal Thomas, “’Saved!’—which opened May 28, 2004, in selected cities—staring Mandy Moore and Macaulay Culkin, whose character is confined to a wheelchair…are siblings and attend a Maryland Christian high school where ‘Jesus loves you’ is a mantra—and an order. A giant cutout of Jesus dominatesrepparttar 126523 campus. Pastor Skip, played by Martin Donovan, isrepparttar 126524 school’s spiritual leader, described as handsome and hip. Here’s where it really gets good. Jena Malone plays a teenager who gets pregnant while attempting to cure her boyfriend of his homosexuality. Her mother is a widow played by Mary-Louise Parker. She is ‘trying to be right with God but has an affair with Pastor Skip.’”

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