Why Does Health Insurance Cost So Much?

Written by Michael Ertel

Why does health insurance cost so much? Year after year, many ofrepparttar articles that appear in print detailrepparttar 103403 specific factors drivingrepparttar 103404 cost of healthcare.

These factors include: general inflation, advances in drugs and other medical devices, rising hospital and doctor expenses, government mandates, increased consumer demand, litigation, fraud, and cost shifting.

The basic answer is that a magic bullet to solverepparttar 103405 cost of insurance does not exist becauserepparttar 103406 real difficulty is controllingrepparttar 103407 cost of healthcare. A simple way to dramatically decreaserepparttar 103408 dollars spent on healthcare is to reducerepparttar 103409 demand for healthcare.

I have seen estimates that up to 40% of all healthcare related expenses result from preventable conditions. These preventable conditions are caused by lifestyle choices such as tobacco, obesity, stress, lack of exercise and poor diet.

Health Care and Health Insurance Costs Can Be Controlled Through Lifestyle Choices

Written by Michael Ertel

As you probably know all to well,repparttar cost of healthcare and health insurance premiums continue to increase at levels substantially aboverepparttar 103402 general inflation rate. The reasons given for these extraordinary cost increases are numerous and include: technological advancements inrepparttar 103403 medical field, increased demand for medical services and prescription drugs,repparttar 103404 aging ofrepparttar 103405 population, cost shifting caused byrepparttar 103406 uninsured and governmental reimbursement rates, state and federal mandates, and costs associated with medical related lawsuits.

As individual consumers, we have very little control over some ofrepparttar 103407 factors contributing torepparttar 103408 cost of healthcare. However, all of us have control over lifestyle related health insurance claims. A simple formula of eating a balanced diet, gettingrepparttar 103409 appropriate amount of daily exercise, participating in annual physicals and other recommended routine care, limiting alcohol consumption, and eliminatingrepparttar 103410 use of tobacco products will no doubt reduce our personal healthcare costs. In addition to reducing medical costs,repparttar 103411 other benefits of following such a

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