Why Do you Want to Get Rich with Your own Home-Based Business?

Written by David Parton

Why Do you Want to Get Rich with Your own Home-Based Business? This may seem like a silly question but it is deeper than it appears. Why do you want to get rich?

To have more money,obviously. Right. But what does that mean? Why is being rich so important to everyone you talk to? There is no universal answer for that. We all have our different reasons.

In order to attract those riches into your life you have to have a clear picture ofrepparttar benefits of your desire. Vague thoughts like: "I want to be a Millionaire," will not be enough to setrepparttar 100436 wheels of prosperity into motion.

You have to ask yourself "What would being rich do for me?"

For me I see being rich as a way to:

*travel more *spend more time on my hobbies and creative interests *set my own working hours and working conditions *spend more time with my friends and family *eliminate debts *secure a generous retirement income *pamper my parents for all their love,support and patience *go First Class if I feelrepparttar 100437 need *contribute more to charities and help those in need

Become A Millionaire In 5 Years!!!

Written by John Di Lemme

'Once again without a doubt this isrepparttar #1 key to build a Massive Downline and become Fin.ancially Free'

The Power ofrepparttar 100432 A-Z Presentation

When someone asked me, 'John, what isrepparttar 100433 #1 reason why people fail in their own Network Marketing business?', I said with 110% confidence, “It is because they customize their presentations to each person assuming what their prospect will find exciting.” This mindset will definitely set you up for failure!

Let me repeat myself…the decision to customize your presentation for each individual prospect will demolish your possibility of creatingrepparttar 100434 results that you desire through your business. I speak with 110% belief about this fact, because no one every prospected me. I answered an ad and created my very own multi-million dollar Net-work Marketing business fromrepparttar 100435 ground up.

I was living in New York, which is home to millions of people. You would think that out of all of these people someone would have prospected me for Network Marketing, but they prejudged me. They instantly looked at me and said to themselves, “This young stuttering kid just couldn't do it… he could never build a business.”

Well, they were wrong!

The key to success isrepparttar 100436 power of duplication, which is simply showingrepparttar 100437 same presentation over and over again. You need to be presenting repparttar 100438 entire business from A to Z to each and every one of your prospects, because you have no idea what is going on inside them as you sharerepparttar 100439 business. You'll see immediate results when you get into a zone of showingrepparttar 100440 plan and then showingrepparttar 100441 plan again and again inrepparttar 100442 same fashion, which will increase your belief and create dramatic results.

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