Why Do We Lack Character

Written by G.A Parvez

Widespread Impression.

"Our people have no character" is acknowledged universally, at home and abroad, in business and government circles, and in every sphere of administrative activity. Lack of character produces social imbalance and leads ultimately to national decline and disintegration. The malady has been eating uprepparttar vitals of our social life too fast to withstand an unexpected shock.

Meaning of Character.

The outward signs of a weak character are commonly believed to be bribery, corruption and exploitation but they do not bring outrepparttar 126832 true significance ofrepparttar 126833 word. It belongs torepparttar 126834 realm of ethics, which defines character in terms not easily intelligible torepparttar 126835 common man. Here are a few definitions given by Western writers on ethics.

Character Defined.

Preservation of life is an animal instinct; not so isrepparttar 126836 preservation of honour. The concept of honour is unknown torepparttar 126837 animal world. In fact it formsrepparttar 126838 line of demarcation betweenrepparttar 126839 Animal andrepparttar 126840 Man. Honour is a specific human value. Preservation of human values elevatesrepparttar 126841 level of life, fromrepparttar 126842 animal torepparttar 126843 human. Character may, therefore, be defined as who so preserves human values against animal instincts is a man of character.

Assessment of Human Values.

Human values might have different meanings. Takerepparttar 126844 word honour. "God has saved my honour," means that I have not been disgraced before my friends. "She gave her life to save her honour"—here honour signifies chastity. Butrepparttar 126845 meaning of chastity itself might differ from people to people. Inrepparttar 126846 East if some one casts an evil glance at a veiled lady, her father or brother would not hesitate to shoot him. Inrepparttar 126847 West, however, if a girl flirts publicly, her father or brother, instead of having any qualms, would feel proud of her as a popular society girl! Again one society might attachrepparttar 126848 greatest importance to a particular value which inrepparttar 126849 estimation of another society might not be a value at all. We respect and honour our parents, but there have been tribes with whom eating them up constituted a sacred duty. The Puritans saw nothing wrong in stealing Negro children and shootingrepparttar 126850 Irishmen. The Jews thought it bad, even criminal, to levy interest among themselves but permitted it inrepparttar 126851 case of non-Jews. In an island ofrepparttar 126852 Pacific there is a tribe with whom dishonesty isrepparttar 126853 best moral conduct and among whomrepparttar 126854 cleverest cheat is held inrepparttar 126855 highest esteem. Thugs felt proud of killing poor wayfarers. Nationalism is recognizedrepparttar 126856 world over as a political and social creed and one who helpsrepparttar 126857 well being of his nation by exploitingrepparttar 126858 other nations, is regarded a patriot worthy of being immortalized in metal and marble.

Universal Standard of Character.

Since human values vary with different societies should character mean harmonizing oneself torepparttar 126859 values which a society might stress forrepparttar 126860 time being? In days gone by Spartans viewed theft a virtue and heldrepparttar 126861 smartest thief inrepparttar 126862 high-test esteem; today theft is a crime and a thief a criminal. With us conception of a virgin is a disgrace forrepparttar 126863 family, inrepparttar 126864 West sexual intercourse between a willing couple is neither an evil nor a criminal offense: even homosexuality between willing parties is condoned there. Is there then no universal standard of character?

Quranic Concept of Character.

People inhabiting different countries might follow different ways of life but, according torepparttar 126865 Holy Quran, human values arerepparttar 126866 same anywhere and unchangeable too. It is not given, however, to human intellect to determine such values. Human intellect is essentially individualistic in character. It can seek preservation ofrepparttar 126867 particular self to which it belongs individually or collectively, but not that ofrepparttar 126868 other selves. Forrepparttar 126869 well-being and preservation of mankind as a whole, however, what is needed is not an individualistic intellect, which cannot see beyond its nose, but a comprehensive and all pervading intellect, namely God and Revelation. It is Revelation alone which gives abiding universal values. The revealed values are preserved inrepparttar 126870 Holy Quran,repparttar 126871 code of life for mankind in all climes and ages. Quranic values are Permanent Values of life and provide a universal standard of character or, to use Quranic terminology, Taqwa.

The Angel Of Karma

Written by Judi Singleton

The Angel Camael Camael is believed to be one ofrepparttar seven truly powerful angels who haverepparttar 126831 great honor of standing inrepparttar 126832 presence of God. He is believed to berepparttar 126833 angel that comforted Jesus inrepparttar 126834 garden of Gethsemane prior to his arrest. He is also credit with having command overrepparttar 126835 so called "Angels of Destruction." He along with Gabriel, and once Lucifer, are honored as cheifs ofrepparttar 126836 angelic choir. The Powers ~ The Second Hierarchy - The Third Choir The Angels of Form and Space. They are often associated withrepparttar 126837 essence ofrepparttar 126838 Sun. They bringrepparttar 126839 power of intellect in such matters as math, geometry, astronomy and so on. They arerepparttar 126840 professors and educators. They bringrepparttar 126841 "physical" form torepparttar 126842 universe and it's planets. They guardians ofrepparttar 126843 heavenly pathways and imposerepparttar 126844 will of God without fear or mercy. This Choir consists of: Raphael Camael Verchiel Their appearance: The Powers are often seen with with swords of flame, used to protect humans and defeatrepparttar 126845 "devils".

Camael appears as a warrior dressed in a red tunic. He wears green armour plates, an iron helmet and has large green wings.

The Angel of Divine Love andrepparttar 126846 Patron Angel of all who love God. He is traditionally regarded as chief ofrepparttar 126847 Order of Powers and one ofrepparttar 126848 sefiroth. He is one ofrepparttar 126849 governing angels ofrepparttar 126850 seven planets, specifically ruler ofrepparttar 126851 planet Mars.

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