That was question on lips of all Americans when Uncle Sam's country saw "hell fire" on September 11, 2001. Uncle Sam was surprised beyond measure because he thinks that his country has done so much for world. He counts American's contribution on his fingers: champion of free speech, and fundamental human rights, exporter of democracy, giver of food and financial aids, and this new role—fighter of terrorists—to make world a safe place to live. So, why do they hate us? Asks Uncle Sam.
And in order to find out answer to this troubling question, he goes to sample people's opinion on America. And answers he gets surprise him.
In Africa, he was told that he has not even started. The Africans told him that food grains he was shipping to them were poisonous. They even said that help is politically motivated, for food was sent to countries of dictators who are chasing white farmers all over place. So they said Uncle Sam was only trying to demonize these heads of state, while playing Santa Claus. When he reminded them about money that America has invested in fighting diseases in Africa, he was booed. For they say that it was like a drop in ocean, saying that continent is used for experimenting dangerous AIDS vaccines. Even economic package, called African Growth and Opportunity Act, was dubbed a selfish initiative that would benefit only Americans.
So, Uncle Sam left African continent. Not that he was annoyed. But he felt that these "uneducated" Africans didn't understand things. Or they were ungrateful.
His next stop was South East Asia. But he was similarly surprised to learn that these Asians were saying that Uncle Sam was not paying close attention to political development of these lands. The Philipians didn't even like his full control of war against fundamentalists in their country. He couldn't understand these Asians. Perhaps, they didn't want another Vietnam.
Uncle Sam therefore, heads to Russia in his search to question: Why do they hate us? But Russians were even more resentful. Because they blame him for break-up of former Soviet Union saying that America tricked Mikail Gorbachev then president, to introduce glassnot and perestroika, which eventually led to fall of super power. The Russians were particularly unhappy that Uncle Sam is now only world's super power. And they wished that China would challenge America. After all, very soon, Emperor`s country would be first nation to take man to Mars. When Uncle Sam peeped across to Russia's neighbor, Chechnya and asks if he was welcome, they pointedly said no. Because America turned a blind eye as Russia pounded away at separatists in Chechnya. Who is then America's friend? Uncle Sam wondered.