Why Diets Don't Work

Written by Kathy Browning

Atrepparttar beginning of each New Year, millions of Americans vow that this isrepparttar 115651 year they are going to lose those extra pounds and every year millions of Americans fail. Why is it so difficult to lose weight? It’s not because you are a failure.

According to many ofrepparttar 115652 weight loss experts, there are three categories which cause weight gain – Predisposition to excessive accumulation of fat (genetic); Emotional Eaters; and those who make Poor Food Choices. 90% of individuals struggling with weight loss fall intorepparttar 115653 “Emotional Eaters” category.

Your body needs energy to perform its daily tasks – keep your heart beating and your lungs breathing, operate your internal organs, keep your brain functioning, etc. We receive this energy through food. Food contains calories andrepparttar 115654 number of calories in a food is a measure of how much potential energy that food possesses. One gram of carbohydrates has 4 calories, one gram of protein has 4 calories, and one gram of fat has 9 calories.

How many calories do you need to keep your body functioning? Women should aim for 1,200-1,500 and males require 1,500-2,000. The average American consumes 3,500-5,000 calories per day. An accumulation of 3,500 extra calories is stored by your body as one pound of fat.

Fast food has become a precious commodity for many individuals living life inrepparttar 115655 fast lane. Problem isrepparttar 115656 food we are eating is slowly killing us and rapidly making us fat. We stop for a greasy, fat-laden breakfast inrepparttar 115657 morning and eat it inrepparttar 115658 car while we’re stressed out over a traffic jam or talking on our cell phone. No wonder so many people suffer from acid reflux.

When lunch time rolls around we head to our local McDonald’s for a super sized meal, which includes a Big Mac (590 calories, 34 grams of fat), large order of fries (540 calories, 26 grams of fat) and a large coke (450 calories). Add a McFlurry to that order and you’ll consume an additional 620 calories and 23 grams of fat.*

After work we stop for Chinese carry-out or opt for delivered pizza for dinner. Many of us indulge in ice cream, cookies, or chips just before bedtime and before we know it, we’ve devoured a boat load of calories andrepparttar 115659 scales keep going up. One major step in losing weight is to determine a cut-off time and don’t eat one single morsel after that time. Experts recommend you stop eating any food or high calorie beverage at least 2-3 hours before your normal bedtime.

Another problem we face is thatrepparttar 115660 food we eat is seriously lacking in nutrients. In 1936repparttar 115661 United States Department of Agriculture issued U.S. Senate Document 264, stating "that virtually all soils inrepparttar 115662 United States were mineral deficient”. Scientists atrepparttar 115663 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil submitted documentation that soils world-wide were depleted of minerals. The United States soils rated as one ofrepparttar 115664 most serious with 85% of essential minerals depleted. Scientists theorize that mineral deficiency subjects us to more diseases, aging, sickness and destruction of our physical well-being than any other factor in personal health. A great many known aliments, around 60, are directly linked to mineral deficiency. Afflictions like osteoporosis, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, liver disease, birth defects and impaired mental functions are but a few examples. Our health, energy and vitality are more dependent on minerals thanrepparttar 115665 amounts of protein, carbohydrates or calories we consume. From vitamins to almost every process inrepparttar 115666 human body, mineral complexes are indispensable. However, if minerals are not inrepparttar 115667 soil, they can’t be inrepparttar 115668 food. If they’re not inrepparttar 115669 food, they can’t be in you. In order to maintain your health, it is imperative that you have proper nutrition or your body simply cannot function. This means you cannot properly digest or metabolize your food.


Written by Kathy Browning

People inrepparttar United States consume more dairy products and other foods high in calcium thanrepparttar 115650 citizens of any other two nations on earth put together. Why is it then, thatrepparttar 115651 U.S. hasrepparttar 115652 world's highest rate of osteoporosis and bone fractures amongrepparttar 115653 elderly? The answer may be surprising.

We have orange juice and antacids that are fortified with calcium, yet we eat far less total food, take in less calcium, and get less exercise than our grandparents did. Atrepparttar 115654 same time we consume more animal protein and phosphate-containing foods, such as soft drinks. Obviously, we need to eat more ofrepparttar 115655 right foods and take high-quality supplements in some form as well.

Osteoporosis is a progressive disease ofrepparttar 115656 skeleton in whichrepparttar 115657 amount of calcium present inrepparttar 115658 bones slowly decreases torepparttar 115659 point whererepparttar 115660 bones become brittle and prone to fracture. In other words,repparttar 115661 bone loses density.

The term osteoporosis is derived from Latin and literally means "porous bones." Because ofrepparttar 115662 physiological, nutritional, and hormonal differences between women and men, osteoporosis primarily affects women. This debilitating disease afflicts more women than heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast cancer, or arthritis. 50% of all women betweenrepparttar 115663 ages of 45 and 75 show signs of some degree of osteoporosis. Over a third of that group suffer from serious bone deterioration.

Unfortunately, bone loss causes no symptoms while it is occuring. It is very common for a woman to be totally unaware that she has osteoporosis until what should have been a minor accident causes her to break a bone, oftentimes a wrist or a hip. In advanced cases of osteoporosis, a simple hug can result in fractured or broken ribs.

As bone loss advances,repparttar 115664 vertebrae are subject to what are called compression fractures, crowdingrepparttar 115665 nerves ofrepparttar 115666 spine and various internal organs and causing a loss of height. It is this compression that causes "dowager's hump" that many women develop as they age. Osteoporosis can also be a contributing factor in tooth loss; whenrepparttar 115667 structure ofrepparttar 115668 jawbone weakens, it can no longer holdrepparttar 115669 teeth firmly in place.

There are two basic types of osteoporosis. Type I, or high turnover, osteoporosis occurs in some women betweenrepparttar 115670 ages of 50 and 75 because ofrepparttar 115671 sudden postmenopausal decrease in estrogen levels, which results in a rapid depletion of calcium fromrepparttar 115672 skeleton. It is associated with fractures that occur whenrepparttar 115673 vertebrae compress together causing a collapse ofrepparttar 115674 spine and fractures ofrepparttar 115675 hip, wrist, or forearm caused by falls or minor accidents.

Type II, or low turnover, osteoporosis is linked to dietary deficiency, especially a lack of sufficient calcium and vitamin D, which is necessary forrepparttar 115676 absorption of calcium. Many women mistakenly believe that osteoporosis is something they need be concerned about only after menopause. Recent evidence indicates that osteoporosis often begins early in life and is not strictly a postmenopausal problem. Although bone loss accelerates after menopause as a result ofrepparttar 115677 drop in estrogen levels, it begins inrepparttar 115678 premenopausal years.

Many people believe that osteoporosis is caused soley by a dietary calcium deficiency and that it can be "fixed" by taking calcium supplements. Wrong. While calcium supplements are important in dealing with osteoporosis, there are other considerations as well. Vitamins C, D, E, and K all play vital roles in battling osteoporosis, as does protein. Regulatingrepparttar 115679 amounts of certain minerals, such as magnesium, phophorus, silicon, boron, zinc, manganese, and copper, inrepparttar 115680 body are also important in maintaining proper calcium levels. Exercise is another vital factor.

Insufficient calcium intake is one factor, but equally important are other dietary practices that affect calcium metabolism. A diet high in animal protein, salt, and sugar causesrepparttar 115681 body to excrete increased amounts of calcium. The body is then forced to "steal" calcium fromrepparttar 115682 bones to meet its requirements. Caffeine, alcohol, and many other drugs have a similar effect. Too much magnesium and/or phosphorus (found in most sodas and processed foods) can inhibitrepparttar 115683 body from absorbing calcium properly, because these minerals compete with calcium for absorption inrepparttar 115684 blood and bone marrow.

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