Why Crate Train My Dog?

Written by Jenny Saylor

A few years ago, before I decided to stay home with my kids, I worked as a veterinarian technician in an animal hospital. While at that job I saw so many clients who would bring in their dog and be upset because they had eaten something inrepparttar house, other than food, and were now sick. One client brought in her chocolate lab that had gotten into her sewing box and eaten a pincushion, pins and all!!! Off to surgeryrepparttar 144014 dog went andrepparttar 144015 owner was out about $1,500. Case number two was a giant poodle that, whilerepparttar 144016 owner was away, got into her closet and ate a pair of panty hose. Unfortunately this dog did not make it through surgery. The pantyhose got wrapped around its intestines andrepparttar 144017 doctor was not able to saverepparttar 144018 dog.

The above stories are a couple of really good reasons why you should crate train your puppy or dog, especially if you have a dog who likes to chew or eat things they should not be eating.

By putting your puppy or dog in a crate you are giving them a sense of security and a place they can call their own. Dogs actually like having a “den” to cuddle up in. By puttingrepparttar 144019 dog in a crate while you are gone it will also give you peace of mind knowing that they are in a safe place, away from harm, and not doing any damage to your belongings or themselves.

Crate training will also help with potty training. Make sure you put your pet on a regular schedule for potty breaks and userepparttar 144020 crate when you are gone or need your pet to rest. Dogs will typically not “go” in their home. They like to keep it clean and will hold it until you can take them outside to eliminate. Remember to always praise your pet when he eliminates inrepparttar 144021 area you want him to outside.

Common Foods Harmful To Your Pet

Written by Michele Webb

You may be surprised to find out which common foods we use almost daily can be harmful to your pet. It is important that you keep these foods away from your pet to ensure that they remain healthy and well. The challenge, of course, is to “pet-proof” your home, family, children or guests, to ensure that these foods are not made accessible to your pet. If your household is like mine, that can be a challenge from time to time! Here is a list of potentially harmful, but commonly used foods, to your pet:

•Alcoholic beverages •Apple seeds •Apricot pits •Avocados •Cherry pits •Chocolate (all kinds) •Coffee (all kinds) •Grapes (recently found to contribute to kidney failure) •Hops (used in home beer brewing) •Macadamia nuts •Moldy foods •Mushroom plants •Mustard seeds •Onions and onion powder •Peach pits •Potato leaves and stems (green parts) •Raisins •Rhubarb leaves •Salt •Tea (caffeinated) •Tomato leaves and stems (green parts) •Walnuts •Yeast dough

As a dog owner, after learning that my pet has consumed some sort of commonly used food or product in my household, have wondered what it’s potential for harm or toxicity might be, this list helps to resolve some ofrepparttar mystery. There are numerous Internet resources with more information about harmful foods or plants, but these should not be consulted if your pet has already eaten something potentially harmful. It is important that if you find your pet has consumed something harmful that you contact your veterinarian or animal emergency services as quickly as possible to get instructions and care where needed.

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