Why Change?

Written by Robert Brents

Why are most people tired atrepparttar end of their workday? Not because they've had to do so much physically demanding work. Most jobs are not physically tiring. Running down a Mastodon -- that's tiring. In an "information" economy, most people's jobs are not hard physically. I had an inside sales job where I was on my feet much ofrepparttar 106585 day and, yes, atrepparttar 106586 end ofrepparttar 106587 day my feet hurt. But I still went torepparttar 106588 gym after work at least three or four times a week. The reason most people are tired atrepparttar 106589 end ofrepparttar 106590 average workday is because they are bored to death. They are bored! If you've ever had a job -- and some of you have one right now -- where you were bored most ofrepparttar 106591 time, you know, your job is a series of stupid emails, and pointless, interminable meetings (and if you haven't had a job like this yet, you probably will). Being bored is exhausting. People come home atrepparttar 106592 end ofrepparttar 106593 day from jobs like this exhausted. They can barely liftrepparttar 106594 fork to getrepparttar 106595 food into their mouth. No wonder television is so popular --repparttar 106596 programming is crappy, stupid, ridiculous, and insulting, but it's not boring. It's at least better than being bored. So business as usual is boring. Change is not boring. Changing is hard. Changing is work. Until you getrepparttar 106597 train rolling. Think about a train inrepparttar 106598 station, just leaving, just getting underway. What happens? Does it start off BOOM 70 miles an hour? Of course not. It starts off very slowly. At first,repparttar 106599 train's motion is barely perceptible. (Have you ever hadrepparttar 106600 experience, in a train or a car, where someone outside walks or drives by inrepparttar 106601 opposite direction and makes you feel like you're moving when you're not?) It's hard to get something as big as a train moving. How much does your average 100-car freight train weigh? A lot. To get that mass moving at all takes a huge investment of energy. But you know what? Once it's moving, that huge mass moving at a high speed, it has acquired momentum. The Queen Mary,repparttar 106602 ocean liner, takes seven miles to stop. So if you're coming in torepparttar 106603 dock, you're not thinking about stopping when you enterrepparttar 106604 port. You'd better be thinking about it much earlier. Way way out to sea, like seven miles out. (Captain: "I'm going to have to stop way over there, but I'd better start thinking about it NOW.")

An Odyssey We Never Expected

Written by Dave Barrett

The late, great Stanley Kubrick envisioned a futuristic 2001 with orbiting Hilton hotels, lunar colonies, and manned trips to Jupiter. But not even he could have imagined whatrepparttar first year ofrepparttar 106584 new millennium would actually bring.

2001 was a year no one will ever forget. It started with a country divided byrepparttar 106585 most controversial presidential election in history, and ended with a country united like never before. It was a year of outrage and sorrow, a year of terror and war. But it was also a year of hope and reaching out.

It wasrepparttar 106586 year we fell into recession, after an unprecedented ten years of growth. Even after almost desperately slashingrepparttar 106587 federal interest rate eleven times, nothing could stoprepparttar 106588 economic plunge after September 11. Yet this past year also markedrepparttar 106589 first time internet sales out-grossed retail sales, a trend that had been steadily rising forrepparttar 106590 last decade.

People everywhere are discoveringrepparttar 106591 power ofrepparttar 106592 internet. Thousands of people have started online businesses right from their homes, with steady growth expected inrepparttar 106593 years ahead. These people arerepparttar 106594 New Entrepreneurs.

As we look ahead torepparttar 106595 new year, opportunities for success seem to be all around us. Even as we struggle throughrepparttar 106596 recession, much milder thanrepparttar 106597 experts feared, it turns out, Americans are still spending. That's not just good forrepparttar 106598 economy, it's good for you too. If you don't already own your own internet business, now isrepparttar 106599 perfect time to start one.

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