Who do you need to become to make it happen for you?

Written by Caroline Jalango

'We cannot become what we need to be remaining what we are.' Max Dupree

Year after year, month after month, day after day, you have hoped for change.

You have dreamed and desired to accomplish your goal, to make it “big time”, to get a better job, to start your own business, to pursue your academic aspirations, to find meaningful relationships, to loserepparttar weight, to improve your financial situation and yet, year after year, month after month, day after day, there has been little or no significant change in your situation.

It’s not that you’re not motivated or passionate or serious enough about making your dream come true…as a matter of fact you are! But,repparttar 129828 problem is that, you keep doingrepparttar 129829 same old things which don’t produce results over and over again.

Consequently, you are still doingrepparttar 129830 same old job you dislike so much, struggling financially, steadily gainingrepparttar 129831 weight and almost giving up on your dream. To sum it up, “ you are miserable!”

Ifrepparttar 129832 things you are doing,repparttar 129833 plans you are making andrepparttar 129834 strategies you are pursuing don’t produce results, STOP doing them today.

The sooner you realize that unless you changerepparttar 129835 way you perceive things and begin to do things differently,repparttar 129836 quicker you will getrepparttar 129837 results you so desire.

7 Reasons To Stop Procrastinating Today

Written by Caroline Jalango

Procrastination is a delay tactic that hasrepparttar ability to choke your dreams and abortrepparttar 129826 plans and purposes you have for your life.

It has to be nipped inrepparttar 129827 bud. It should not be given a chance to put your life and your dreams on hold.

The following are 7 benefits of not procrastinating.

Not procrastinating will afford you an opportunity to:

1. Find out what you can do.

If you want to find out what you can do and how far you can go…stop procrastinating! When you don’t procrastinate, you get a chance to berepparttar 129828 best you can be. You discover what your abilities are, how far you can stretch and what you can do. Not procrastinating gives you a chance to amaze yourself and others!

2. Make an impact on other peoples lives.

Use your gifts and talents to bless other peoples lives. Everyone has a message to share with other people. Not procrastinating allows you to act in a timely manner when making contributions to other peoples lives. Stop procrastinating! Others are waiting to be enriched and empowered by you.

3. Accomplish something.

Acting on a timely basis allows you to finally accomplish something! The project or dream or goal you have been working on forrepparttar 129829 last few years needs to be completed. Accomplish something. Bring that project to a close and add it to your list of accomplishments.

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