Who Takes Your Money

Written by Gordon Goh

Your business is making profits, but where isrepparttar cash? It seems that someone has taken away your money. Your bank account is stillrepparttar 103134 same, and your personal wealth is stillrepparttar 103135 same. There must be someone that took your money. Based on my over 18 years of professional experience and study, there are 8 persons that take away your money without your knowing... The First Person is YOU

Yes, if you do not have accountability, you have taken away your own money! According to NLP experts, 95% ofrepparttar 103136 people in this world live their live belowrepparttar 103137 line. They blame others for their own problems, come up with excuses and worst of all, deny what they are doing is their fault. Sounds too common? Many people blamerepparttar 103138 government, blamerepparttar 103139 economy, and blamerepparttar 103140 VAT or GST (tax) increase etc for their business woes. The remaining 5% ofrepparttar 103141 people (successful people) live their live aboverepparttar 103142 line. They take ownership of their situation, take responsibility for their actions, and be accountable to themselves.

The Second Person is Your Lack of Planning

Yes, if you have no planning, or you are simply reacting to everyday challenges, you're simply taking away your own money! To take back your money, respond, don't react. You can choose to over-respond if you like. Like faced with a new competitor, you can simply react by cutting your price, or you can over-respond by always maintaining a USP so that there is no real competitor.

The Third Person is Your Customers

We all know that customers that don't pay are simply taking money from your pocket and putting it into their own bank account. The best is to have no credit policy, and even collect cash in advance.

Making money with digital photography and live events

Written by Richard Meredith

A few years ago I became interested in digital photography, mainly for web publishing and personal reasons. You know, how nice is it now to NOT have to deal with film, scanning pictures, andrepparttar costs of developing all of those "not great" photos that you didn't know were so bad until you paid to have them developed!

So, atrepparttar 103133 time I got my first digital camera a friend of mine was playing in a rock band, and needed pictures for their web pages and promotional printings and ads. When I first began to do their photography, I had NO IDEA what it all would lead to... and now I will reveal to you some ofrepparttar 103134 MANY ways to make money, part-time, with your love for photography!

Now, atrepparttar 103135 clubs my friend's band played in- a lot ofrepparttar 103136 time they would be in a line-up of 3 bands forrepparttar 103137 evening, of which I shot live pictures of my friend's band's performance. Then I got another idea, I'm there already, usually to finishrepparttar 103138 night withrepparttar 103139 band, so I started to take pictures ofrepparttar 103140 other bands. Afterwards, as they were breaking down their equipment, I introduced myself asrepparttar 103141 other bands photographer, and explained that I liked their music and look- and also took pictures of them also.

I gotrepparttar 103142 names ofrepparttar 103143 band members, jotted down notes about which instruments each one played, and then got a mailing address to reach them. I told them that I was going to print up some proof sheets and send them off to them... all were very agreeable and willing (and why not, it doesn't cost them a thing).

Then I printedrepparttar 103144 proof sheet(s), and selected three of what I thought wererepparttar 103145 best- of which I made a little bigger on a seperate sheet and used Photoshop to refine and enhancerepparttar 103146 images prior to printing (all on my little ink-jet printer).

I composed a form letter that I could customize for each mailing explaining details like:

- The first proof sheet was all ofrepparttar 103147 raw digital images

- The second one withrepparttar 103148 larger images was digitally self enhanced

- I would professionally print any pictures they wanted for XXX cost (considering mailing costs, printing costs at a local printing shop, labor for digital enhancement, and healthy profit margin)

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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