Who Needs Heroes?Written by graham and julie
When we were talking other day we started to think about our heroes when we were young. After we had discussed usual film star and sports stars that we idolised I remembered Derek. Derek was a couple of years ahead of me in school and he had everything; he always got straight ‘A’s’ and was formidable on football field as well as one of fastest over 100 metres. What’s more he didn’t appear to work at it. When rest of us were ‘slaving’ away at our homework or sweating buckets trying to impress on football field or athletics track he just turned up and got on with it. A natural, was how one of our teachers described him. Natural or hero, Derek caused me and others a lot of pain. His skills and our hero worship caused us to begin ‘beating yourself up’ process. You know the; ‘I’m not good enough’. ‘If only I could do that’.’ I couldn’t possibly do that’. The self defeating traits of inadequacy, insecurity and worthlessness and constant comparison with others all started here. With Derek, we started comparison programme. Comparison is just another name for subservience. When you compare yourself to someone you are really accepting that you are impressed by them, you want them to influence your life and are willingly bowing down to their perceived skills and abilities. The problem with subservience is that you can never be free. It takes away all your happiness and power. You end up confused and wilting like a flower. The fact is comparing yourself with others not only stops you from being successful, it’s destructive. As, Elizabeth Fisher an American author, stated; ‘comparison is a death knell to sibling harmony’. Suggesting that minute you compare yourself with anybody relationship is always going to be powerless. Because you are now in a subservient relationship. The truth is that only prices, products and stores can be compared. Not people. You can compare key data any product, price or service. So when you compare yourself with others are you a product, price or service? Remember those essays from school and university where you were always asked to compare and contrast something with aim of showing similarities and differences of an argument etc. But how do you do this with people? What is being compared or contrasted? How are people similar? Height, weight, age, clothes they wear, walk, where they live, cars they drive, their salary, their achievements, their views ?
| | Goal Setting Secrets to Jumpstart Your LifeWritten by Ed Sykes
"Plan for future, because that is where you are going to spend rest of your life." - Mark Twain Another year is upon us and you have your list of resolutions or goals you want to accomplish in upcoming year. It’s time to plan your goals so that it’s not just another conversation this year, but a focused plan for success. I will share with you five goal setting techniques guaranteed to help you achieve more out of life. Use goal setting techniques listed below to help you achieve your targets: 1. Be SMARTER with your Goals. Make your goals: Specific Motivational Action-oriented Relevant to your situation Time-bound Encouraging Rewarding For example, “I will increase my sales by 15% compared to last year.” Be as specific about your goal as possible. “I will start my own catering business” is a lot stronger than “I want to go into business for myself.” Challenging goals are motivating. Set goals that will push beyond what you usually think you can accomplish. Remember to set a deadline. A goal without a deadline is simply a dream. Attach a realistic yet challenging deadline for accomplishment and post this where you can review it regularly. 2. Visualize your goals. Take 15 minutes in morning and 15 minutes just before you go to bed; find a quiet place; close your eyes and relax, and visualize yourself actually achieving your goals. Remember more senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, etc.) you can involve, more real your visualization becomes. I ask during my seminars, “Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real that you woke up in middle of it?” Well reason for that is subconscious mind is at work involving all of those senses to trick you into believing dream is real. Well, you don’t have to wait; work at visualizing your goals today. 3. Phrase your goal in present tense and assume success. Don't say, “I want to.” Say, “I will.” This subtle technique tells your subconscious that you have already achieved your goal, which means it will work at helping goal become a reality. It will attract people, places, and situations you need to achieve that goal.