Who Loves Networking????

Written by Dorene Lehavi

Many professionals who don’t enjoy networking equate it with selling. I have heard many say, I’m a professional. I didn’t go to school to learn to sell and they didn’t teach it. It is a common belief that in order to get new clients professionals need to make cold calls and do other activities they find distasteful and uncomfortable. It would be helpful and probably a relief to understand that networking is a different story. The purpose of a good network is much more than a basis for getting new clients. A network of connections, which has been built over time, is a source for many things, such as career management in general, a resource for information and even valuable friendships. It is not an overnight way to get new clients. It is a support system forrepparttar long run. The main feature of a good network is that it is mutually beneficial. Did you ever put two people in touch for something helpful to both of them? Did you ever recommend a restaurant to someone? Those are examples of networking. Despiterepparttar 103448 way it is commonly done, networking is not about elevator speeches, nor an exchange of business cards inrepparttar 103449 hoperepparttar 103450 recipient will become or refer a client. Networking is a sincere interest in learning and understandingrepparttar 103451 needs of someone else withrepparttar 103452 purpose of you being able to help them now or inrepparttar 103453 future with a referral, some information or other helpful gesture. Obviously you hope for reciprocity.

Public Domain – The Internet Goldmine

Written by Eric Wichman

Withrepparttar advent ofrepparttar 103447 internet andrepparttar 103448 ease of which information can readily be downloaded and compiled you would think that more people would realize thatrepparttar 103449 public domain is a source of wonderful wealth that can be tapped into for huge profits.

I have spentrepparttar 103450 last 4 years “discovering” little known secrets of this information that is readily available to those who know where to look. Or should I say “prospect”. That’s exactly what it is. It’s Mining. When you minerepparttar 103451 internet, you are not mining little rocks in a quarry or dredging a cold river looking for that elusive nugget of gold. You are searching forrepparttar 103452 gold ofrepparttar 103453 future, and ofrepparttar 103454 past. Information becomes your ore. You now become an information prospector. A “Millennium-Age Gold Miner.”

The tools of your trade are much different today than inrepparttar 103455 days of old. Your “pick-axe” has evolved into your mouse, and your “gold pan” is your hard drive. Your computer isrepparttar 103456 dredge and your internet connection is your “claim”. Inrepparttar 103457 old days when a prospector found gold he would drive a stake inrepparttar 103458 ground and this would become his claim. You are doingrepparttar 103459 same thing when you signrepparttar 103460 contract for your internet connection. You are staking a claim torepparttar 103461 largest source of wealth inrepparttar 103462 world. Public Domain Information.

You transcendrepparttar 103463 boundaries ofrepparttar 103464 physical world by entering a realm in which it is possible to find riches inrepparttar 103465 deepest recesses and crevices ofrepparttar 103466 web. The public domain isrepparttar 103467 undiscovered country ofrepparttar 103468 information age. It’s mysteries are deep as oceans and it’s knowledge as expansive asrepparttar 103469 universe. The public domain now becomes ultimate natural resource.

Information has always reigned king sincerepparttar 103470 beginning of time. There are millions of us who know notrepparttar 103471 sheer power and value ofrepparttar 103472 information that is freely available to anyone who knows where to look.

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