Who Else Wants To Know Brian Tracy’s Secret Key To Double Your Income?

Written by Rick Miller

Copyright 2005 Rick Miller

Brian Tracy,repparttar most listened-to self-help expert on earth, recently revealed cutting edge time management and personal efficiency secrets that will skyrocket your income.

In an interview forrepparttar 135072 List Crusade program, he shares powerful, proven ideas and strategies that you can immediately use to get more done faster. What will you do withrepparttar 135073 two extra hours of free time you'll gain from learning just a few of his simple tricks?

Asrepparttar 135074 best-selling author of 17 books and over 300 audio and video learning programs, Brian is definitely someone you should listen to …

(Note: To access Brian Tracy’s complete audio interview for fre^e, see end of article)

As you *read every word* of this article, you’ll be amazed at what these simple tips will do for you …

According to Brian, people who have used his secrets come back to him and say, “I’m making ten times more today than what I was making when I first met you.”

What isrepparttar 135075 key to these amazing results?

According to Brian, his secret to success can be summed up as:

1) Dorepparttar 135076 right things 2) Do more important things 3) Do them better

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to seerepparttar 135077 tremendous timesaving and productivity that you’ll see by using these principles.

I can hear you asking, “How do I figure out what arerepparttar 135078 right things,repparttar 135079 important things, and how do I improve on those tasks?”

Brian suggests you use what he calls “The Law of Three.”

How to Write Truly Motivating Goals

Written by Shawn M. Driscoll

How to Create Truly Motivating Goals

"The indispensable first step to gettingrepparttar things you want out of life is this: decide what you want." - Ben Stein

Early in our lives, our goals are pretty well set for us—we learn to walk, talk, and tie our shoes. We go to school, graduate, perhaps get a job, go to college or other training and develop some good relationships. In our early careers there is often a “career path” laid out for us. From these early experiences we learn to set goals fromrepparttar 135048 outside-in.

At some point, usually after achieving allrepparttar 135049 “checklist goals” (you know…degree?-check, job?-check, nice car?-check, house?-check, promotion?-check, relationship/ family?-check…)—we crave something more. We may find ourselves "goal-less" forrepparttar 135050 first time in our lives. This sense of being directionless can be frustrating and confusing. After all, we had expected that allrepparttar 135051 hard work and accomplishment would bring us to a happy and fulfilled life. Quite naturally we’re a bit startled when we find ourselves thinking “there has to be something more out there”.

Take heart. This isn’t a symbol of failure at all. It’s a sign of success! You have hit a critical point in your life …you have matured and grown enough that you are ready to start creating goals fromrepparttar 135052 inside-out. Goals with meaning.

The feeling of wanting more is really your inner voice and wisdom wanting to express itself. Rather than looking “out there” for what’s next, it’s time to look inside. The “right goals” will find you once you honestly examine who you are, and clearly state where (and who) you want to be. Here’s how it works:


You have enough life experience under your belt to know your values. Values are those things that draw you in—what you are naturally drawn to and are eager to experience. Those things that, when you experience them, you feel most like yourself. Some questions that may help you zero in on your core values include: What do you want to be known for? What do you stand for? What things excite or exhilarate you? What brings you joy?

Don’t expect that you are always living up to your values, but getting torepparttar 135053 heart of them is a big step forward. It’s also possible that your values have gotten clouded over by other things—needs, shoulds (those external things we ‘should’ do even if it’s not what we really want to do), wants, our role expectations (parent, employee, spouse, etc…) and obligations. To separate those things from your values, check in with yourself and see if you are really excited by it—even a little scared. If so, it is probably a value. If you did it and loved it when you were young, it may be a value. If you feel you need it to be happy or to achieve something else, it’s NOT a value but a need. Keep looking forrepparttar 135054 value. (Note: if you are struggling with this exercise, visit my website at www.succeedcoaching.com/tips.html for a Values Clarification exercise.)


Once you’ve tapped into your core values, you are ready to create a vision for yourself. If this were a perfect world and your life were going perfectly, what would that look like? What would it feel like? What are you doing? What is your source of enjoyment? What kinds of people are in your life? What kinds of experiences are you having? Don’t let reality slip in just yet…allow yourself to dream, to connect with your hopes.

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