Who Do You Trust?

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Experts abound in every phase of business. There are those that have achieved, have built fromrepparttar ground up, and there are those that wish they had, but are willing to share their knowledge anyway.

If you are looking for expert advice, there are sites ranging from A to Z and everything in between. Everyone at some point feels they are an expert in their chosen field of endeavor and they all want to share their expertise and knowledge. So, who do you listen to and what advice do you take to heart and use?

This is not such a simple question to answer. You can always learn something from everyone. Each individual has had unique experiences, and has learned and grown from whatever it is they encountered. Their advice, however, may be one-sided- their version. Advice can be helpful, or it can be vented anger or frustration coming from someone who tried and failed. So what do you do with an uncertainty such as this?

Read, read, and read more. You will notice a pattern to certain individuals. They will give you facts, from their view point, but there are no actual “facts” to back what they are claiming. There are no concrete numbers, or value attributed to their advice. These you can take with a grain of salt, but they have taught you something as well. You know what to look for, you are more selective in what you choose, and you are beginning to separaterepparttar 121365 chafe fromrepparttar 121366 grain.

Individuals who are well-known are also not necessarilyrepparttar 121367 best teachers. Many times these giants of industry or business forget how it was inrepparttar 121368 beginning. They take for granted that you knowrepparttar 121369 baby steps and are just ready and able to takerepparttar 121370 plunge. Many times success gives someonerepparttar 121371 ability to seerepparttar 121372 future but they forget many ofrepparttar 121373 steps that it took to get to this point. Learn what you can and continue your investigation into finding out step by step what it takes to succeed in your field and to learn fromrepparttar 121374 masters. You cannot, in one lifetime, learn what ten or twelve other people learned in their lifetime. You’re just one person, with twenty-four hours and you need to dorepparttar 121375 best you can with what you have. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions or seeking advice. You will learnrepparttar 121376 most from those who have been there, achieved, and now feel secure enough in what they have done to offer expert advice and skill training.

Overcome These 3 Buying Obstacles And Increase Your Sales

Written by Bob Leduc


Do you know how may sales you lose from customers who almost buy from you? Losing "almost customers" is a major source of lost income for most businesses. But few are aware ofrepparttar problem and even fewer employ a strategy to prevent this unnecessary loss of income.

Here arerepparttar 121364 3 major buying obstacles that cause paying customers to become "almost customers" ...and how you can easily overcome each obstacle.


Many prospective customers procrastinate after they decide to buy from you. The benefit they gain from using your product or service fades in their memory as time passes. Other things distract them and they soon forget about you. Procrastination converts your paying customer into another "almost customer" ...causing you to loserepparttar 121365 sale.

You can avoid losing these sales by rewarding customers for taking immediate action and penalizing them if they do not. For example, createrepparttar 121366 best irresistible offer you can afford. Include a specific expiration date. Give your prospectsrepparttar 121367 option of accepting your offer now or forfeiting it. This will motivate many procrastinators to buy now so they don't miss your special offer.


Some prospective customers don't buy from you because they place a higher priority on spending their money for something else. You can save many of these "almost customers" by motivating them to make your product or service their first priority.

One way to boostrepparttar 121368 priority level of your product or service in your prospective customer's mind is to dramatize repparttar 121369 good feeling they will enjoy when they use it. For example, a financial planner can describe what it feels like to enjoy an affluent lifestyle without debt. Or a network marketing recruiter can describe what it feels like to work at home without a boss.

The irresistible offer I described above for overcoming procrastination also helps overcomerepparttar 121370 "low priority" obstacle. It motivates many "almost customers" to move your product or service ahead of other purchases so they can take advantage of your special offer before it expires.

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