Who Do They Think They're Kidding!

Written by Jeannine Schenewerk

I recall sitting in a movie theater in 2003, to catch ‘Something's Gotta Give',repparttar film starring Jack Nicholson and Dianne Keaton. I’m not a fan of most of today’s romantic comedies, but I am a Nicholson fan, so I took a chance. I won’t give a film review here; rather, I’d like to share something I experienced inrepparttar 130222 theater.

Atrepparttar 130223 beginning ofrepparttar 130224 movie, we are presented with Nicholson’s character. He’s a sixty-something playboy, involved with a much younger woman, played by Amanda Peet. Very soon, we are treated torepparttar 130225 impending prospect of these two characters ‘getting it on’. Seated a row or two in front of me was a group of young women, all in their mid to late twenties. Asrepparttar 130226 implications ofrepparttar 130227 aforementioned scene began to get through torepparttar 130228 audience, I, and a number of other patrons, overheard one ofrepparttar 130229 young women exclaim, ‘Oh God! She’s gonna do Grandpa!’, at which point, there was a ripple of laughter throughout our seating section.

I must admit, I foundrepparttar 130230 exclamation not only amusing, but as well, rather ‘telling’, likerepparttar 130231 end ofrepparttar 130232 old children’s tale, ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. You know,repparttar 130233 one where a little child, in his completely honest observation, points out what his elders all know, but refuse to acknowledge, due torepparttar 130234 old ‘herd’ mentality. Inrepparttar 130235 tale, it’srepparttar 130236 fact thatrepparttar 130237 Emperor is not wearing a suit of clothes to die for, no, he is buck-naked! Inrepparttar 130238 movie, it’srepparttar 130239 fact that viewers are to believe that this young woman finds this over-sixty man, sexually attractive, and highly desirable.

There have recently been, and probably will continue to be, these age-gap romantic pairings, in films. One element will always remainrepparttar 130240 same, with these pairings. It will ever be movies withrepparttar 130241 older male, paired withrepparttar 130242 younger, sometimes MUCH younger, female, whichrepparttar 130243 film industry will continually grind out, expectingrepparttar 130244 viewing public to swallow this scenario as believable. Which makes me wonder from what planet do these filmmakers hale? Honestly, when wasrepparttar 130245 last time you noticed a young woman eyeing some average sixty year old man, (andrepparttar 130246 key phrase here is, ‘average’ sixty year old man, not some man coated withrepparttar 130247 sheen of wealth, power and celebrity, as desire-incentives) with total lust gleaming in her dewy eyes? Did you see this atrepparttar 130248 local mall,repparttar 130249 beach, some concert, or sporting event? I can honestly state, I’ve never seen it. In addition, I can honestly state, when I was a dewy eyed girl in my twenties, men older than thirty were just, well, ‘old’.

Common menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats and changes in menstruation, but there are many others.

Written by Lynn Donn

Common menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats and changes in menstruation, but there are many others.

The first thing to note about menopausal symptoms is that there is a surprisingly long list of them, and that no list is really comprehensive, because every woman experiences menopausal symptoms in an individual way. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, a decline in libido and changes inrepparttar menstrual cycle are very common menopausal symptoms, but there are many others. Some very fortunate women experience these symptoms only mildly, or not at all, while for othersrepparttar 130219 menopause phase can prove a very challenging stage in life. If you are experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, depression, mood swings or changes in your menstrual cycle, and you’re a woman betweenrepparttar 130220 ages of about forty and sixty five, it’s likely that these symptoms are signalingrepparttar 130221 onset of menopause, but see your doctor for an individual, professional diagnosis. Your doctor is alsorepparttar 130222 best person to talk to about what you can expect inrepparttar 130223 years to come, andrepparttar 130224 treatment options which are available to you should you need them.

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