Who Are Your Friends?

Written by Rita Ballard, GVA, C.Ht.

Most people have a desire (need) to connect with others, especially others who are like them in some way. When you meet someone forrepparttar first time, what initially attracts you to them? Is it a personality trait -repparttar 123266 way they smile, orrepparttar 123267 expressions they make when they talk? Maybe it's a physical feature - their eyes, their hair, their dress, orrepparttar 123268 way they carry themselves? Or, is itrepparttar 123269 subject matter - you have similar interests?

Are your friends people who you would not mind having as relatives? Are your relatives people who you would choose as friends? Would you do things with your business associates if not forrepparttar 123270 workplace?

What draws you to others is a fascinating thing. Most of you will agree that variety isrepparttar 123271 spice of life, that differences make life interesting, but how many of you would actually choose friendships and associations with people that you know are quite different from you? Imaginerepparttar 123272 potential if people actually went out of their way to befriend and/or create alliances with someone totally different - in color, in culture, in lifestyle. That could truly be an enriching relationship. The possibilities for sharing and exchanging seem endless. Are most people capable of being that open with each other?

It is one thing to be able to sit and chat with your friend, exchanging facts and antidotes about your week, when you both have similar backgrounds and mindsets. Suppose that you're both college grads, haverepparttar 123273 same degrees, both married with children. You shop atrepparttar 123274 same stores and watchrepparttar 123275 same movies. Mostly you mirror each other and reinforce that "we're ok" feeling.

Make $9,000 A Month For FREE! - I will show you how!

Written by Will Dyer

A stranger is a friend you have not met yet - Unknown

Good day,

I have been marketing online for around two years with some success. Then I stumbled across a free way to market online and my business 'exploded!'

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Am I crazy?

Probably! :)

Why not get your copy while they are still free?


Warm regards,

William Dyer

P.S I also give away many other freebies! :)

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