Who Are You?

Written by Leigh Butler

If someone asks yourepparttar question, "Who are you?" how would you respond? Most people respond by stating their name. For instance, I would respond, "My name is Leigh." But, does my response tell you anything about who I am?

What if I asked you to tell me about yourself? How would you respond? More than likely you would respond by listing your roles and positions followed by your interest.

So, who are you? Do you know? Are you merely a name, or are you much more?

We often fail to realize that our roles and positions help to define who we are. For example, I am a student, daughter, educator, consultant, and guardian.


Roles and positions are interrelated but have different meanings. Roles arerepparttar 126327 different parts we play when we interact with other people. Positions are our locations within a collection of interconnected roles. A role includes repparttar 126328 duties or obligations ofrepparttar 126329 position.

In order to define your roles you must first understand that for every position there is an expectation of what should be repparttar 126330 behavior of a person who holds that position. For example, educators are expected to teach, assist students, grade papers, etc.

Defining your roles and positions help you to better manage them and maximize your role performance.


Every individual learns that certain behaviors are expected of him as an occupant of a particular position. In other words, he learnsrepparttar 126331 role associated withrepparttar 126332 position.

Everyone occupies a number of different positions and therefore has a number of different roles. However, few people learn how to effectively manage them all. Usually ineffective management is due to ambiguous understanding of role expectations and/orrepparttar 126333 burden of managingrepparttar 126334 behaviors associated with multiple roles.

In order to manage your roles and positions in a more efficient and effective manner, list each role and position you hold followed byrepparttar 126335 behaviors that are expected of you as an occupant. Show your list to someone such as your husband, wife, or boss who can tell you if you have accurately captured what is expected of you.


Written by Dr. Dorree Lynn

As I work with people fifty and over, I am aware that no matter how importantrepparttar psychologically related issues of their personal lives may be, it is rare when spirituality doesn't become an issue fairly early in our work together. As my patient, Jamie, a tall, shy, sixty-three year old woman said: "Although I entered therapy to try to come to terms with so many possibilities that I have never considered before, such as my failing health, my dislike of my body which no longer holds its shape, my fear of being alone, wondering what I would do if my husband Sam dies before me, and, of course, dealing with my own potential death,repparttar 126326 truth is that I never really expected to feel so peaceful and serene as I aged. I think it has to do with my new interest in spirituality and what meaning it holds for me. I have found myself going to church again after a lapse of many years. I'm still not sure I believe in God, but I do seem to believe in something greater than myself." Quietly she looked at me, a question in her lovely blue eyes. Finally, she asked: "Do you believe in God?"

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