Who's In Charge Here?

Written by Steve Pilkington

Who's In Charge Here?

My favorite author, Robert Fulghum, once wrote an essay about a small town Fire Department that responded to a second story apartment fire. Inrepparttar bedroom ofrepparttar 123696 apartment they discovered a buring bed with a man lying in it. They dousedrepparttar 123697 fire and pulledrepparttar 123698 man to safety.

After which, they askedrepparttar 123699 victim, "What happened here?" The man responded, "I don't know, it was on fire when I lay down on it!" Ah...that'srepparttar 123700 human dilemma isn't it? There are times when we simply don't understand our own behavior, let alonerepparttar 123701 behavior of others. Traditionally, preachers have stirred a lot of stink and psychiatrists' have made a lot of money over this problem.

The problem here is that we all have "life scripts" that run in our heads 24/7. These scripts pretty much govern our perception of reality. They control our internal dialogue. For example, during my growing up years I was told by many people in many different ways that I'd never amount to much...didn't have much potential...didn't have what it takes to succeed.

When I went out for football in High School my coach told me, as he handed me a new pair of cleats, "Pilkington, if you are half as good as these new shoes, boy you'll really be something." As a kid and teenager when you are told that or something similar enough times , you begin to believe it and it becomes a "life script" written onrepparttar 123702 slate of your spirit.

Once you accept a "life script" then you begin to believe it. After all, it must be true because you wouldn't lie to yourself. Or would you? What happens as you move into adulthood, having believed that "life script" is thatrepparttar 123703 past reaches intorepparttar 123704 present and determinesrepparttar 123705 future.

Visualize & Create Your Reality

Written by Hershey Wier


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Visualize & Create Your Reality By Hershey Wier

If any of you are not taking at least five minutes out ofrepparttar 123695 day to relax, to collect your thoughts, to de-clutter and regroup, then that's your basic assignment starting today. Some days it seems that our days are filled with one crisis after another. One stream of busy-ness to another. When it seems like your world is a spinning merry-go-round, did you know you can stop? Yes, you can stop and get off. Let's try it right now.

Are you off? Good. Are you alone? Isrepparttar 123696 room quiet? Is your "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging outside your door? Now you're ready.

Sit down and relax. Smile and breathe deeply. Get oxygen moving torepparttar 123697 far reaches of your body. From your big toe to that little lump sitting right square onrepparttar 123698 top of your head that Sally or Tommy gave you in second grade.(It was an accident, of course.)

Now, imagine an ideal situation that you would like to see yourself in inrepparttar 123699 future. Maybe you simply would like for tomorrow to be a calm, soothing day. Or, something more. Perhaps you're looking for more contentment in your family life -or - you'd like time forrepparttar 123700 hobby you've always wanted to pursue -or -repparttar 123701 job/business/creative life endeavor you've always wanted to go after - but - just haven't hadrepparttar 123702 time/courage/money/good hair days/________ your excuse here/all ofrepparttar 123703 above - that you feel is necessary in order to go after that dream.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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