Whitewater kayaks

Written by Jakob Jelling

Whitewater kayaking is an extreme form of kayaking.

Whitewater kayaking is kayaking taken to an extreme. This is basicallyrepparttar combination of whitewater rafting, except that you are in a kayak instead of a raft. This sport has been gaining popularity in recent years, and has even been included inrepparttar 133043 Summer Olympics of 2004.

Whitewater kayaking is definitely not forrepparttar 133044 faint of heart, as it generally involves some ofrepparttar 133045 roughest rivers around. People who go whitewater kayaking should have a lot of experience kayaking in rivers and rough water. They should also make sure that they know exactly what type of kayak they need to use.

The kayaks used for whitewater kayaking generally need to be sturdier than most other kayaks due torepparttar 133046 beating that they will probably get from being inrepparttar 133047 river. Two person kayaks are not used for whitewater kayaking because it's too dangerous to have more than one person inrepparttar 133048 kayak while going over whitewater. The single person kayaks themselves can vary between whether or not they're short or long - this generally depends on what aspects ofrepparttar 133049 kayakrepparttar 133050 person kayaking wants to emphasize.

There are several different types of whitewater kayaking as well. If you're just going to be whitewater kayaking for fun, then you're more than likely just going to be something called "river running." What this means is that you take your kayak and go down a whitewater river. These rivers are generally notrepparttar 133051 roughest, and there are sometimes some flat parts as well as rapids. River running can either be a day excursion, or it might be a week long adventure down a river. This is a great choice for somebody experienced in kayaking.

Night Fishing Preparation

Written by Frank Faldo

I have to admit this subject bores me to tears. Amazingly,repparttar simple fact is that every time I interviewed a fisherman about night fishing tips he mentioned preparation atrepparttar 133042 top ofrepparttar 133043 list.

As boring asrepparttar 133044 topic can be, make it a habit to go through this section as a checklist before embarking an a night fishing excursion. I am guilty of forgetting some essentials from time to time – make sure you don’t!

Early morning, evening, and night fishing can be extremely fulfilling (in terms ofrepparttar 133045 FUN you have andrepparttar 133046 amount of big fish you CATCH). It all depends on how prepared you are forrepparttar 133047 trip. Here are some tips to make sure that you have an amazing experience, and catch a ton of big fish.

Before I begin, I wanted to give you a chance to take your night fishing torepparttar 133048 next level. “The Evening Secret” isrepparttar 133049 best kept “secret” in all of fishing. If you want to put on a fish-catching show, check it out here: http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/Night_Fishing_Preparation.php

Equipment Checks & Stuff You Must Consider

Go through each tackle box you are going to take and locate every item you need, making sure everything is inrepparttar 133050 proper place. It is important to be even more organized than normal because with night fishing you must rely on your sense of touch and sound to find what you are looking for. The more organized your gear and tackle is,repparttar 133051 easier it is for you to find what you need. It is so frustrating to not be able to find your pliers, hooks, extra line, etc. inrepparttar 133052 dark! You must have visual knowledge of where these things are!

Make sure to bring several light sources on your trip. Have some extra flashlights and a good high candle power beam. Don’t forget to bring extra batteries!

Pre-tie enough leaders and rigs to lastrepparttar 133053 entire trip. This will save you tons of time, and you’ll be glad you took this extra step of preparation!

If you don’t have a first aid kit, get one! If you have one, double check it! You are more prone to injury at night, and be prepared to handle little cuts and bruises – especially if you are on a boat!

L.E.D. headlamps are very effective. If at all possible, have one on hand. The headlight helps with unhooking (and much more) – they are convenient than a handheld light. There are some L.E.D. headlights that put out great light, andrepparttar 133054 batteries last a long time. Also, tying on lures can almost be impossible in total darkness withoutrepparttar 133055 help of a headlamp that keeps both hands free. The less time an angler spends changing lures and retying inrepparttar 133056 dark,repparttar 133057 more timerepparttar 133058 angler will spend fishing.

Because fish caught tend to be bigger at night it would pay to step up a line class. This puts you more in control ofrepparttar 133059 fight and will save time in gettingrepparttar 133060 fish torepparttar 133061 boat.

Boat Preparation (if you fish off of a boat, be prepared to be prepared!)

Night fishing from a boat can be very productive and safe if you haverepparttar 133062 right equipment, you are organized, stick to a set plan, and are confident aboutrepparttar 133063 area you intend to fish. If you are going out on a boat, make sure it is in good working order! This goes without saying, but it is so important I will say it anyway You don’t want to get stuck out there at night. Really, you should always check your boat no matter what time you go out fishing. However, you want to be especially sure to double, triple, and quadruple check everything if you are going on an evening trip!

Knowrepparttar 133064 layout onrepparttar 133065 boat; it is important to avoid accidents. In your artificial lighting your reaction time to problems and unmanned rods bending is going to be at least double. Take some time to place your gear appropriately, and take note of where everything is beforerepparttar 133066 sun goes down. Everything takes twice as long at night as it is.

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