
Written by Joyce C. Lock

Growing up, I recall discussions about how it was impossible for animals to go to heaven, being that they don't have a spirit. How could they have one, being that they don't talk and, thus, can't understand or communicate with God? Or, at least, that wasrepparttar winning argument.

Though, I've wondered, more and more, how that it would be possible for them not to have a spirit, after having our current cat; Whiskers. We've never had one like him before.

When we snap our fingers, in disapproval, Whiskers wines. When he wants to do something that he isn't suppose to do, he'll wine as if we've scolded him already. Knowing he'll get into trouble for doing it, Whiskers proceeds to dorepparttar 111293 thing he isn't suppose to, anyway ... fully anticipating that we'll immediately tell him to stop, for which he reluctantly does; perhaps also testing to see if we care enough to respond.

In every way, Whiskers appears to haverepparttar 111294 feelings and understanding of a toddler. He even talks back to us when he doesn't likerepparttar 111295 rules. Others have said they've never heard a cat make sounds like he does, sort of like how a baby's cry has different meanings.

When our hands are full and we need to open a door, Whiskers will reach forrepparttar 111296 doorknob and attempt to open it for us. He hasrepparttar 111297 gift of helps! When he wants us to open a door for him, he'll dorepparttar 111298 same. "Ask and ye shall receive."

Withrepparttar 111299 aroma of cooking, Whiskers will run torepparttar 111300 kitchen. Much like we did as children, he's prepared to rinserepparttar 111301 pots and bowls by lickingrepparttar 111302 tasty residue. (Being inrepparttar 111303 age of dishwashers, germs aren't a problem.)

At meal time, Whiskers will select a chair aroundrepparttar 111304 kitchen table, just like any other member ofrepparttar 111305 family; patiently awaiting (most ofrepparttar 111306 time) scraps. (Just don't leave your plate until you're finished eating.)

Like children might sneak cookies,repparttar 111307 evidence later to be revealed, we discover pieces of food Whiskers has snitched, then hid to eat. It isn't a good idea to leave white powdered donuts out, even withrepparttar 111308 box lid closed. That's one of his all-time favorites.

Christmas Strategies: Gifting without Charging

Written by Darlene Arechederra

Before we know it,repparttar shopping season will be upon us. And, just like Santa's little elves will be working feverishly, we've got to get busy saving up our cash for Christmas. The alternative could be to watch helplessly as our credit card balances increase.

But is it really possible to have a Christmas without using our credit card? Absolutely! It isn't hard -- it's just a matter of getting started now! Here are these 3 simple steps to begin ...

Step 1: Determine exactly how much cash you will need.

How much do you normally spend for Christmas gifts and goodies? Be sure to add in special food expenses to your total, if you're providingrepparttar 111292 main holiday meal(s) or responsible for a large portion of it. Not sure? Do a guesstimate, erring onrepparttar 111293 plus side to be safe.

Step 2: Using your total from above, determine how much you'll need to save daily or weekly. Divide it byrepparttar 111294 number of weeks or days left to save up money.

Examples: (These are approximate amounts.)

$500 divided by 15 weeks = $34.00 wk $300 divided by 15 weeks = $20.00 wk $400 divided by 107 days = $ 3.75 day $200 divided by 107 days = $1.90 day

Step 3: Choose your Method(s) to begin Saving

Pull out your old favorites, and get going! Listed below are a few ideas to get you started.

Gift Certificates are Not Just for Others ...

Buy a gift certificate each pay period. When you're ready to shop, use your certificate to pay forrepparttar 111295 items. Be sure to watch for expiration dates.

Marlene, a good friend of mine, does this year round. She then buys items as they come on sale, using her certificates. Marlene is a single mother who has found a way to buy gifts for her children without using credit cards or draining money fromrepparttar 111296 checkbook.

Christmas Account

There's still time to open a Christmas account with your local credit union or bank. Make automatic payroll deposits if you can. If not, write yourself a check each pay period and mail it in to your account. If you cash your paycheck, take out your targeted amount and depositrepparttar 111297 money before it gets spent.

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