Which Works Better: Subliminal Advertising or Hypnotic Writing?

Written by Joe Vitale

James Vicary, an advertising expert, went into a 1950s movie theater to test his devious new tool for persuading others.

Duringrepparttar movie he allegedly flashedrepparttar 101159 commands "EAT POPCORN" and "DRINK COKE" so fast thatrepparttar 101160 unsuspecting audience couldn't consciously seerepparttar 101161 words. Vicary claimed Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales leaped 57.7%.

On that day, "subliminal advertising" was born.

Today subliminal advertising is banned by most major countries. The FCC in America outlaws it by simply saying subliminal advertising is designed to deceive. For that reason alone it is forbidden to be used by any radio or television advertiser.

Still, self-help tapes that claim to have subliminal messages hidden on them continue to sell torepparttar 101162 tune of $50,000,000 a year.

The question I bring torepparttar 101163 table today is this: Which works better: Subliminal Advertising or Hypnotic Writing?

Vicary's famous movie theater test has been proven to be a hoax. He didn't test it onrepparttar 101164 amount of people he claimed (50,000, whichrepparttar 101165 small town theater couldn't hold), and he didn't keep an accurate count of popcorn or coke sales. In short, he wanted subliminal advertising to work in order to increase his consulting business as an ad expert. But allrepparttar 101166 research shows his method did not and does not work.

The same with subliminal tapes. Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson, author ofrepparttar 101167 fascinating book, "Age of Propaganda," conducted studies to see if subliminal advertising, and subliminal self-help tapes, actually worked. Their research said it did not. There was no evidence to support it. None. While people wanted to believe in subliminals, they could not prove it worked to evenrepparttar 101168 slightest degree.

RELEASE RELEASE: Getting Your Press Release to the Media

Written by Meredith Pond

Each day newspapers, TV, radio, and ezines hand out millions of dollars in FREE publicity. If you have a good story or good information to share, an editor somewhere will jump atrepparttar chance to use your material. Your name and ideas can be spread to thousands of people over night. Andrepparttar 101158 cost to you? Zero.

Once you have finished your press release, here are some ways to send it torepparttar 101159 media.

1. Start small. Think locally. Your best bet for getting media is right in your own home town. Editors and news directors love to do stories on businesses and individuals they can phone without placing a long distance call. In fact, when we send press releases to media across America, many editors say they ONLY do local stories.

Findrepparttar 101160 contact information for your local media inrepparttar 101161 Yellow Pages. Callrepparttar 101162 front desk and ask who handles stories like yours. You might even try pitching your story overrepparttar 101163 phone before you send your release.

2. Send your release to a trade publication that covers your industry. The fact that you have created a way for silver coated milk cans to dent less easily probably won't get a second look from your local daily newspaper, butrepparttar 101164 dairy trade publication might put you onrepparttar 101165 front page. Be sure to send them a photo, with YOU inrepparttar 101166 picture.

3. Email your release to media nationwide. Most editors won't go for your release, but since you are casting a wide net, some will give you coverage. You can get addresses of media folks who have asked to received releases by consulting one ofrepparttar 101167 reliable media directories likerepparttar 101168 Bacon Publicity Checker orrepparttar 101169 Media Directory at Gebbie.com.

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