Which Is More Important, Reading Faster Or Comprehension?

Written by Melvin Ng

A common enough remark is that speed reading takesrepparttar joy out of reading. However, is this entirely fair? Would it not be fairer to say that being able to speed read actually increasesrepparttar 109146 joy of reading? To answer this, we need to look at some ofrepparttar 109147 reasons why we are speed reading inrepparttar 109148 first place!

It should always be inrepparttar 109149 forefront of your mind that speed reading is a skill. It is adopted when certain circumstances arise and it is not always necessarily a skill you need to invoke each and every time you read something.

An example, if you are curled up in bed readingrepparttar 109150 latest thriller novel, it is unlikely you are going to want to be speed reading. The reason: first, because you have spent a lot of money onrepparttar 109151 novel and so want to make it last; second because part ofrepparttar 109152 atmosphere that you have set in which to read is one of relaxation and taking things easy.

If we now transferrepparttar 109153 scene to one where we are readingrepparttar 109154 latest financial report from ABC Company Limited, even if we are doing this in bed,repparttar 109155 environment in which we are reading has dramatically changed.

The need and reason why we readrepparttar 109156 text in these two scenarios is notrepparttar 109157 same. Inrepparttar 109158 former we are at leisure. Inrepparttar 109159 later we are in professional mode. Clearly inrepparttar 109160 later, where we want to be done withrepparttar 109161 reading and off to sleep, we can adapt out speed reading skills and inrepparttar 109162 former we may choose not to.

Is speed reading for everyone?

Written by Melvin Ng

A common question asked in speed reading circles is whether or not havingrepparttar ability to speed read is suitable for everyone. The straightforward answer to this question is: "yes". The more complex answer is: "it depends".

Below we set out some ofrepparttar 109145 circumstances under which it may be beneficial to be able to speed read and other circumstances where it may not be so beneficial to be able to speed read:

When it is beneficial to speed read

Essentially,repparttar 109146 great joy of being able to speed read isrepparttar 109147 ability to take in large volumes of data over as short a period as possible. Consequently, those of us who find ourselves in circumstances where we need to read excessive amount of information in a short period of time; and, importantly, to comprehend that material atrepparttar 109148 same time, will benefit from this skill. Such persons include:

* School students:

School students are ideal candidates for speed reading skills because they are at an age where they can still absorb new concepts and ideas, whilst also havingrepparttar 109149 need to have advanced reading skills in order to be able to read lots of school texts;

* College students:

As with school students, college students need to be able to read lots of textbook material in a short space of time. Therefore,repparttar 109150 ability to be able to speed read is an important and useful skill.

* Work employees:

Those of us who are working "white-collar" clerical jobs certainly need to haverepparttar 109151 ability to speed read as this will cut-down on an otherwise very long day. With almost all ofrepparttar 109152 world's reading material being generated in offices, as faxes, memos, letters, reports, etc. being able to speed read becomes more important as time progresses, not less!

* English language students:

As speed reading skills enable you to comprehend what you are reading better, English language students are an often quoted group of people who benefit fromrepparttar 109153 ability to be able to speed read.

* Pleasure:

Withrepparttar 109154 amount of advertising in modern magazines,repparttar 109155 ability to speed read is vital if you want to read this month's magazine before next month's issue! And, that's nothing compared to Sunday's edition ofrepparttar 109156 newspaper. Can you image trying to read Sunday's paper without speed reading skills? - Well, it simply cannot be done these days!

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