Which Guru Should You Back?

Written by Anne-Marie Killer

I've got many friends who are looking for a business idea - we've all heardrepparttar concept of "multiple streams of income".

It's human nature to want to "get rich quick". Maybe one can - onrepparttar 116457 internet - maybe, I don't know aboutrepparttar 116458 "quick" and I'm also not sure aboutrepparttar 116459 "rich" but I'm convinced one can make a decent living.

I've started looking forrepparttar 116460 "names" -repparttar 116461 "gurus" who have made it. And are still making it onrepparttar 116462 internet. I think I can learn a lot from them. I've found this website rankingrepparttar 116463 gurus. Very interesting indeed.

The top 5 (as at today's last calculation) are:

 Guru Share Price 
Ken Evoy $279.41 
Correy Rudl $85.11 
Dr Ralph Wilson $37.04 
John Reese $29.52 
Jim Daniels $24.59 

Don't be fooled by these "share prices" - John Reese,repparttar 116464 number 4 recently (in August 2004) made more than a million dollars in 24 hours!! You can download his report on how he did it at this website. Very interesting reading indeed. And you can buy his "full house" for a "mere" $997 - don't rush off and buy yet - I suggest you wait until you've read all of this.

Tips for making your "Work at Home" Business work for you.

Written by Lakshmi Menon

After a careful thinking and spending hours and days together onrepparttar net, you have finally chosen your work at home opportunity and you look forward for a fast income from your business. But to your dismay, you are not able to find that much success, as you had imagined.

One ofrepparttar 116456 main reasons could be that you were not contributing your time and concentration as you had planned earlier. When you do a self assessment you will find that you had not taken your home business as serious as you had thought.


Most oftenrepparttar 116457 reply to this question would be that you had too many distractions from your work since it was just at home only. As you had no boss to report about your work, you took it at ease. You find time for everything else at home, but not for your business. You thought now your online business would run on its own.

You are wrong. You should set up a proper time to make your home business a success.

I have foundrepparttar 116458 following tips helpful to me.

1. Keep away from distractions. I choose a time where less distractions are expected and I have informed my friends and relatives also accordingly. So they know I will be busy with my work onrepparttar 116459 computer and many of them avoid calling me during that time unless it is urgent.

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