Where is the Time and Money?

Written by Miami Phillips

An informal survey (by me) overrepparttar last two weeks has revealed an interesting statistic.

I asked almost everybody I spoke to (even strangers) if they had enough time. If they had enough time I asked if they had enough money.

Most said they had neither enough time nor money. A few (very few) had time but no money. Even fewer had enough money.

Then I asked if they knew anyone who had enough time and money. One person could name three people, but I do not think he knew them very well. He was one ofrepparttar 130076 few who knew someone.

My wife named three people. All were retired. All had workedrepparttar 130077 same jobs most of their lives and had paid for their homes. One was her grandmother of 93, one was a single man of 84 andrepparttar 130078 other was a couple in their late 60's that lived inrepparttar 130079 same place all their lives.

Ouch! Can this be true? Dorepparttar 130080 majority of people not have time and money until they retire? Which brings up this question. Is it OK to have time and no money? Or is it OK to have money but no time?

Are we spending (literally) our whole lives chasing after time and money with little possibility of reaching that goal until late in our lives?

Why am I even writing about this? What isrepparttar 130081 point? Does it even matter that we seem to chase time and money our whole lives?

One thing that comes to mind is our kids. You know,repparttar 130082 children that are growing up to leadrepparttar 130083 world, and solverepparttar 130084 problems we are leaving to them. What are we teaching them by our actions? We aren't teaching them much directly because we are too busy!

Maybe I write this out of guilt. How many times have I told my boys I am too busy to listen, play, talk, watch a movie, read a book, and go outside or a thousand other things kids want to do?

Are You Faking It?

Written by Miami Phillips

I am beginning to wonder how many people are faking it?

How many if givenrepparttar chance would change careers, partners, domiciles, and friends? What percentage are living a life by rote? It takes not a lot of thought for these people, everything just is.

Get up by an alarm because you have to. Get dressed in a certain type of clothes you might not otherwise wear, because that is what is called for where you spend most of your waking hours. Go do something you might not particularly care for, or at best are not passionate about, because it pays a check on a consistant basis.

What bothers me most about this scenario isrepparttar 130074 apparent fact that this system is not working! It seems to me most people fall into one of two categories. Either you have little or no money to spare, or you have little or no time to spare - or both.

What I see is a whole race of people devoting entire lives to little or no money, and little or no time inrepparttar 130075 hopes of having more money and time! What is wrong with this picture?

In my opinion it is a tragedy, andrepparttar 130076 great unknown American epidemic.

Too many people are Doing something, so they can Have stuff, so they can Be somebody.

What do I mean by Be somebody'? My belief is we are taught who we should be from before we can talk. How many billions of marketing dollars have been spent to make you believe a new car is a must have? How many times have you seen, consciously or not, an advertisement convincing you that everyone must look pretty, drive nice cars, wear a particular brand of clothes, or drink a certain beer? How aboutrepparttar 130077 weeds in your yard,repparttar 130078 smell of your house, or your breath?

In effect, we are indirectly taught if we are to Be somebody, we must Have certain things, and if we do not Have these things, we cannot Be somebody. How do we Have this stuff? We Do something. Usually we Dorepparttar 130079 thing that makes usrepparttar 130080 most money or at leastrepparttar 130081 most consistent money as many fear changing for losing what they already Have.

There is a big problem with this thinking. There is always more stuff they tell us we must Have. Which means we must Do more to get it. Otherwise we won't Be somebody. It is a never ending treadmill that I believe has reached epidemic proportions and is wildly out of control. We are literally running our whole lives. Where is this running taking us?

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