Where To Start Investing Even If Your As Poor As A Church Mouse

Written by John Stockwell

Where To Start Investing Even If Your As Poor As A Church Mouse

By John Stockwell

If this isrepparttar first time you've sat down and looked at your future you may be saying "This stuff sounds good but where do I start?". "I don't have enough money to invest" or "I simply can't afford it".

Well it's time to WAKE UP AUSTRALIA. If you really think this way, you may as well go and stick your head inrepparttar 123130 sand and use your bum as a parking space for a bicycle. Or you could even try lying down near your front door and let other people use you as a door mat!

This may sound a bit harsh and it's supposed to. Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of all these "poor bastard" stories you hear inrepparttar 123131 press and on TV. You knowrepparttar 123132 ones. Some poor bastard gets ripped off by some scum bag promoting an easy fix for some problem or other.

When are these people going to learn that if it sounds too good to be true then maybe it is.

Here's a big revelation for you. YOU GENERALLY GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR. So no matter what you do allways get a second opinion or ask someone who has "been there done that". Then and only then will you be able to make an informed decision.

Don't spend your time or money with people who skirt around your questions. Ask them what you want to know and be sure you are happy withrepparttar 123133 answers that you get BEFORE you shell out your hard earned cash.

Hang on a minute. I think I've gone off track. This article is supposed to be about where to start investing even if you're as poor as a church mouse.

Well here'srepparttar 123134 answer: INVEST IN YOURSELF FIRST.

You need to first change youre attitude. Stand in front ofrepparttar 123135 mirror naked and what do you see? A naked man or woman right. And what'srepparttar 123136 only difference between you and any other naked man or woman?

Let me tell you. It'srepparttar 123137 space between your ears. That isrepparttar 123138 most valuable piece of real estate you will ever own.

Ultimately you choose youre own life. You can choose to dorepparttar 123139 same thing as you've allways done or you can choose to try something different. It's totally up to you. But let me tell you one thing. If you keep doingrepparttar 123140 same thingrepparttar 123141 same way, you will allways getrepparttar 123142 same result.

Anybody who has achieved anything in their lives (which should be everybody) will be able to pin pointrepparttar 123143 exact moment that they made their decission to change.

It doesn't have to be about making money either. It could berepparttar 123144 time you decided to learn a new language, sport, hobby etc.anything you have got a sense of acheivment from.

For merepparttar 123145 moment came when I was at a friends wedding in Dubbo. I met a bloke called Bob. He had his own business installing computer systems.

He was just like any other person you meet. Down to earth, sense of humour etc. We were talking about work and I asked him how he got into his line of work. He said he had no skills before hand but he saw computers as a growth industry. So he enrolled in night school and learned about them.

It took a couple of years but he finally got to where he wanted to be.

Up untill this point I had allways said "I'm not going to be an electrician all my life" but I really did not know what else to do. I was merely saying that because every other electrician that I knew saidrepparttar 123146 same thing.

Harnessing the Power of the Unknown: Move from Repeating the Past to Re-inventing the Future

Written by Connie Butler

The Unknown - it is scary territory for many, something to be avoided for others and shameful for those who feel they are supposed to know everything. What is your relationship withrepparttar Unknown? Take a moment to ponder it because your attitude towards and experience of this is what governs your ability to create, to innovate and truly bring more of yourself out intorepparttar 123129 world - in short to be successful. If you are going to create something new in your life – in your career, your relationships and your creative endeavors you will be walking into unknown territory. Learning how to navigate this territory effectively and with power is what makesrepparttar 123130 difference between having a full, rich experience of life and work you enjoy, relishingrepparttar 123131 adventure of every day or living in frustration wondering whyrepparttar 123132 same thing keeps occurring repeatedly.

Many of us have been taught to be afraid of what we don’t know. It’s threatening, “bad” things happen inrepparttar 123133 unknown, if you don’t knowrepparttar 123134 answer it means you are stupid. You have been taught over and over again that remaining with what you know will ensure your security and your success. But you can see repeatedly that this attitude gives birth to bigotry, prevents you from taking informed risks that could improve your life and often creates a life of boredom and fatigue.

In truth each moment is a new one. It is your habit of carryingrepparttar 123135 past forward that keeps you repeatingrepparttar 123136 same old patterns both in business and in your personal lives. This is not to say that experience doesn’t develop discrimination. It does and discrimination is a valuable tool for us. The question is when is it blocking you? I can’t tell you how many times in working with clients they say some variation ofrepparttar 123137 following – Why even try a new approach, it will fail as it has inrepparttar 123138 past, Why risk a new relationship, it won’t work out anyway, Why reach forrepparttar 123139 next level of success and challenge myself I am fine here.

But what I know is that if you are not moving into new territory, you are not being as truly alive as is possible and your businesses are not as creative and successful as they could be. You are holding yourself back from what is possible in your life and in your profession. And because of that you suffer personally and professionally. Unknown territory isrepparttar 123140 birthplace of all possibility, all real support and is a very exciting space in which to operate.

There are many things that keep us from exploring new territory: fear, lack of self-esteem or confidence, lack of support, and misuse of imagination are a few. This misuse of imagination is one ofrepparttar 123141 trickiest to detect. Many people feel that imagination isrepparttar 123142 province of children and artists. That of course is true but each of you uses your imagination constantly; however, many of you don’t recognize you are doing this. Every time you think you know what is going to happen you are using your imagination. Are you using it against yourself or for yourself and your goals? If you are imaginingrepparttar 123143 repetition ofrepparttar 123144 past you are using it negatively and not allowing a brand new thought, solution or step to emerge. When you walk into a business meeting and your anxiety rises you are using your imagination “knowing” you won’t closerepparttar 123145 deal – you are seeingrepparttar 123146 worst possible outcome. When you won’t take a reasonable, calculated risk you are likely using negative imagination to keep you inrepparttar 123147 sphere ofrepparttar 123148 known. You imagine you won’t be safe in unknown territory. Butrepparttar 123149 Unknown isrepparttar 123150 territory of possibility, creativity, your own real pathway and therefore success. Who really knows what will happen next?

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