Where To Find Free Pictures, Artwork And Animation For Your Website

Written by Jeff Colburn

You've decided to have a website for yourself or your business. Great! You know what you want to say, how you want it laid out, what pages you need, and allrepparttar other good stuff that goes into a great website. But what about graphics? Where do you get buttons, banners, title art, photographs, animation, bars, backgrounds and allrepparttar 132380 other things you need to make your website look visually interesting?

I asked myself that same question when I created my first website. It took me more than a few days of scouringrepparttar 132381 web to find what I needed. I Googled and Yahooed for many terms, including: art, clipart, clip art, graphics and free art. Inrepparttar 132382 end, I found some great sites.

Depending on what kind of website you have, finding these things can be easy or difficult. There are three main types of websites, personal, nonprofit and business. The first two can find dozens to hundreds of places to get free artwork that fitsrepparttar 132383 theme of their site. A business site will have a more difficult time. This is becauserepparttar 132384 people that make this artwork usually don't have a problem giving it to people who won't make money off of their website. Most personal sites don't make any money, and giving stuff to nonprofit sites is just, well,repparttar 132385 right thing to do. But for a site designed for a business that plans on making money,repparttar 132386 artist wants his cut. The artist's opinion is that, "The business can afford it so they should pay."

For a business site, before surfingrepparttar 132387 web for graphics, you may want to consider making your own. You can drawrepparttar 132388 artwork and then scan it, or create it with Photoshop or any ofrepparttar 132389 other graphic's programs that are out there. Or a friend who is artistic can dorepparttar 132390 drawings, or you could even barter with a professional artist. I have done all of these. The advantage of making your own artwork is that it will be unique and perfectly suited to your site. This will also berepparttar 132391 most time consuming since you will have to create everything from scratch.

Your next step involves using artwork created by others and available onrepparttar 132392 Internet, on CD's or in books. Before you use any of this artwork you must checkrepparttar 132393 rights that they offer. It's back to that business / personal thing I mentioned above.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of websites that have all kinds of artwork available for people to use. Sometimes,repparttar 132394 most difficult thing is to wade through hundreds of images to find justrepparttar 132395 one you want. There are two main types of clip art sites. Those offering general artwork that can be used on any site, and those offering "themed" artwork. For example, I went to Celtic art sites to findrepparttar 132396 proper artwork for my Celtic themed site.

Almost every graphic art site has a "Terms of Use" page telling how their artwork can be used. To be safe, if you can't find this information, then don't use any of their artwork. The main reason you don't want to take artwork illegally is that if you use it on your site, andrepparttar 132397 artist contacts you and says you are not using it according to their "Terms of Use," then he can make you pay for it or force you to remove it from your site.

"Let them try," you say? If you don't play fair, all they have to do is contactrepparttar 132398 host where your site is, tell them that you stolerepparttar 132399 artwork on your site, andrepparttar 132400 host will shut down your site. Besides, it's always better to play nice, and fair is fair. How would you feel if someone stole something of yours? Plus, if you spend a lot of time putting your site together, and then have to remove allrepparttar 132401 artwork and find new, it will prove to be a huge waste of your time. Also, if people are use torepparttar 132402 look of your site and it suddenly changes you could lose customers.

When you find a graphic you like, put your pointer onto it, click your right mouse button and select Save Image As. Then saverepparttar 132403 artwork to a folder where you can easily find it later. Make sure to keep track of where each piece of artwork came from. I do this inrepparttar 132404 file name, like "Dragon2-Castle-Art.gif" or in a Word file, like Dragon2.gif came from CastleArt.com. This lets you easily go back and find other artwork on this site if you need to.

Some places that have free artwork require you to put a link on your site to their site. I feel that this little piece of advertisement is well worth it forrepparttar 132405 artwork. I created a section on my Links page for allrepparttar 132406 people who supplied artwork for my site.

Not exactly free, but close arerepparttar 132407 sites onrepparttar 132408 Internet that offer artwork and photographs for a fee. You usually pay a flat fee, and can download all you want. In cases like this, I usually set a day or two aside, pay forrepparttar 132409 shortest time I can, usually a week or a month, and do nothing but download artwork. I can then use this artwork whenever I want. Again, checkrepparttar 132410 "Terms of Use" to be sure they say this is okay, or at least don't say not to do this. The cost for this can be anywhere from $8 to hundreds of dollars.

Ten Steps to a useable website.

Written by Nigel Lew

10 Easy Steps to a Useable Website

Building a useable website can seem daunting. Here is a quick guideline to help you on your way. It’s all about your content

To get your website listed appropriatelyrepparttar content of your website needs to be nested betweenrepparttar 132378 tags. This way it gets read byrepparttar 132379 search engines. Your content also needs to be unique and get your point across.What is it about your product or service that is better and different from your competitions. This is called your usp or unique selling proposition and should be conveyed clearly and immediately upon hittingrepparttar 132380 page. Make effective use of your title and description tags

These are your two most important tags when it comes to referencing your page content. Meta keywords rarely have any impact what so ever on your pages listings. Make sure content is well formatted

It is very important to break up your content with italics, bold text, bulleted lists, etc. Well formatted content makes your pages more accessible to visitors butrepparttar 132381 search engines also. Visitors scan across your page rather than read it so it makes sense to format your page so it can be browsed yet still convey your message. Proper code

Having proper progamming in place is quite simply a must. Web standards have changed substantially overrepparttar 132382 years and it is important to make sure your pages validate both html and css. Think of it this way. How effective could you get your point across if you were talking swahili. Your code is no different. Why make it difficult forrepparttar 132383 search bots to index your content. Do not use Front Page, Dreamweaver, or any other WYSIWYG editor.

While accurate, MS Front Page, for example, makes it easy for just about anyone to throw up a web page it doesn’t take W3C compliancy into account Hencerepparttar 132384 code it outputs is an absolute train wreck. This is terminal for your website as you need a strong code base (foundation) or your site will never stand up torepparttar 132385 competitions. Don’t design in Flash

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