Visiting my local Barnes & Noble I discovered a book called "This Glorious Quest" by Colin Pearce. Leafing thru it I found a little story that I quite liked.
Quote: Robin Hood lay dying.
Maid Marion gathered
Merry Men to hear his last words and dying wishes.
'Good Friar Tuck', he said. 'Please open yon window that I may gaze one last time upon my beloved Sherwood.
'Sweet Marion, place
downy pillow under my shoulder that I may rest thereon.
'Little John, my old friend, hand me my trusted long bow fashioned from
springy yew tree.
'Honest Will Scarlet, pass me an arrow crafted of birch, fletched with
feathers of
King's grey goose.'
As each one quietly and reverently did as asked, Robin Hood gasped hi instructions, 'Now I bid thee, swear an oath on my life'.
'On thy life, old friend', they choked, struggling to hold back their tears.
As he pressed
feathered arrow shaft to his lips and drew back
bow with all his strength, Robin Hood uttered his last words. 'Your pledge: Where this arrow falls there I will be buried.'