Where Exactly Is This Business Coming From?

Written by Richard L.Paylor

Have you ever tried to complete an online order form only to find there just aren't enough boxes for your address. Or that there are too many andrepparttar form will not submit until all boxes are completed? Have you ever filled them with gibberish? Ever received one filled with gibberish? This got me thinking as to how inconsiderate we all can be when requesting details like addresses. Street, Town, State, Zip code. Quite simple you may think, but not everyone lives in a state or even knows what a State is, and did you remember repparttar 134611 Country? We need to be far more considerate when designing web sites. The Internet transcends International boundaries but many business seem to forget this and design sites for their own back yard. Recently we received an e-mail to request a brochure it was to be sent to PROSPECT, PA 16052 now we all know where that is, right? Wellrepparttar 134612 sender presumed so. Obviously Prospect isrepparttar 134613 town. PA? Errr OK it must be some sort of abbreviation PA? PA? PA? Forget it, I don't know! Then we have some digits, obviously a Zip code and then a country? NO, no country given. Do I know what country this PA place is in? Well yes I do, but you seerepparttar 134614 problems some people may have. I also recently wanted to purchase some compression software Anyway I foundrepparttar 134615 software I wanted andrepparttar 134616 price was something like $30. Fine, I was happy - let me spend. But hang on $30 is that USD or Australian dollars, and for that matter how many other countries use dollars? I had a good look aroundrepparttar 134617 site and eventually found the

Choosing A Color Scheme

Written by Joanne Glasspoole

When you beginrepparttar design of your Web site, one ofrepparttar 134610 first things you need to do is decide on a color scheme. Although choosing colors seems like a relatively easy proposition, it's not easy at all. In fact, it's hard.

One ofrepparttar 134611 pluses we have as Web designers is that millions of colors are at our disposal. Unlikerepparttar 134612 print world, we do not have to pay for each color we use. If we want to use a specific hue of yellow, for example, all we need to know isrepparttar 134613 hexadecimal code for that particular color.

One ofrepparttar 134614 pitfalls of having millions of colors to pick from is that some people go crazy and use every color imaginable on their Web site. This is a big no-no. Not only does it look unprofessional to use 20 different colors on your home page, but depending onrepparttar 134615 colors you choose, your page may not be readable.

It is extremely important to pick hues that complement each other. You will want to use a background color that contrasts well withrepparttar 134616 color of your text. People are used to reading black text on a white background. I keep this fact in mind when I design my clients' Web sites. Although I have never stuck withrepparttar 134617 black and white color scheme, I try to use a dark font on a light background. It makes for easier reading and a more pleasant experience for my visitors.

Color affects our emotions. For example,repparttar 134618 color red makes us hungry. If you're on a diet, it wouldn't be a good idea to set your table with a red tablecloth!

Colors like blue and green are cool. Have you noticed inrepparttar 134619 summertime how sitting in a blue room automatically makes you feel refreshed?

Yellow is a wonderful brightener. It is cheerful and warm--likerepparttar 134620 sun.

When using colors on your Web site, you need to considerrepparttar 134621 mood you want to create andrepparttar 134622 audience you are designing for.

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