Where's That Map to the "Yellow Brick Road"?

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

How does one go about building an income online? You can look at 50 advertisements and you will find 50 different promises that each haverepparttar map torepparttar 121369 "Yellow Brick Road".

Too many people find what they think is repparttar 121370 correct map. Why because, this particular map salesman guarantees you will findrepparttar 121371 Wizard, a pot of gold and a few servants to tote these riches around for you.

Whenrepparttar 121372 first map fails to help them findrepparttar 121373 fantastic life promised, they search for another.

Wow! This map salesman has promised a map torepparttar 121374 pot of gold,repparttar 121375 riches that will be found there and a small tropical island where they can kick back onrepparttar 121376 beach and sip drinks with toys in them.

It all sounds so fantastic.

My advice. Stop looking forrepparttar 121377 map and start implementing good solid business practices.

What does that consist of?

Here are a few basic tips that can help you get started inrepparttar 121378 right direction.

If you have been around anyone who is having success inrepparttar 121379 marketing business, you have heardrepparttar 121380 first tip over and over.

Start building a list.

I hear. You don't have time. I'm only adding a few people each week. I could go on and on withrepparttar 121381 reasons you can't accomplish this feat.

It does not matter how slowrepparttar 121382 process begins, don't put it off any longer. Start building a list now.

But I don't have time to put out an ezine.

There are many ways to start building a list.

Give away something on your website in exchange for a name and email address.

There are ebooks all overrepparttar 121383 place. Find some with valuable information and give them to your visitors.

Give away information courses. This is one ofrepparttar 121384 best ways available today. In fact, this not only provides you withrepparttar 121385 means to obtain email addresses, it also gives yourepparttar 121386 opportunity to introduce your products as well.

You don't have time to write them?

There are many who offerrepparttar 121387 rights to these courses for a price.

Someone wrote and told me they would never pay to obtain material to give away for free.

My answer to that. If you still feel that way, you need to go back and start learning how to rollover. You are certainly not ready to crawl much less walk or run in this business.

Once you find some ways to start building a list, you need to find ways to start making some income.

10 Quick Tips To Writing Profitable Articles

Written by Ken Hill

One ofrepparttar best ways to promote your business for free is to write articles for publication in ezines.

To help you get started, I've compiled a list of ten tips that will not only help you successfully write your own articles, but also help you getrepparttar 121368 most out ofrepparttar 121369 articles you do write.

To begin:

1. Put a lot of thought intorepparttar 121370 title of your article.

Writing a good title will grab your readers attention and encourage them to read through your article.

2. Keeprepparttar 121371 introduction and conclusion of your article short.

3. Write your article as a series of tips that center around a specific subject. This is a very effective way to present your information and hold your readers interest.

4. Use numbers to listrepparttar 121372 tips in your article. This allows your readers to go quickly from one tip torepparttar 121373 next, and also keeps your article neatly organized and easy to read.

5. Keep your tips brief and torepparttar 121374 point.

6. Keep your article focused on one topic. If you have several things you want to talk about then try writing separate articles for each topic.

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