When the Seas of Life Get Stormy, Use These Tips to Ride the Waves to Run and Happiness

Written by Susan Dunn, M.A., the EQ Coach

You’rerepparttar CAPTAIN of your ship. Be empowered means having a deep sense of confidence that you can take charge of your ship and handle whatever comes up. Use your personal power and intentionality to keep your ship on course through stormy waters.

And every good captain has a CREW. Who will you have with you on this voyage? A good mate - a life partner; a navigation officer - a coach or other expert who knowsrepparttar 123760 ropes and provides vital information to help you chart your course; a purser - accountant or financial adviser; a medical officer - your personal healthcare team; and others to swabrepparttar 123761 deck, lowerrepparttar 123762 anchor, and do routine maintenance - maid, yard service, car repairman, baby sitters, etc.

You’ll need a MAP. There is a map to transitions, because there are certain things in common to all transitions. Take a Transitions course, and/or hire a coach or other expert in transitions.

All sailors have a BAROMETER. What barometers do is tell you a change is coming. This is crucial to a sailor at sea, or a sailor at life. Our intuition acts like a barometer. Wouldn't you agree it would be good to be able to sense if you were about to be laid off, or if your daughter were experimenting with drugs? Everyone has intuition. Learn how to pump uprepparttar 123763 volume on yours and read its messages.

A ship takes on BALLAST when it’s too light to sail. Add extra sleep and nurturing in times of stress, a solid Personal Mission Statement, money-reserves, a good time management program. Shift ballast if your ship is weighted down -- get rid of tolerations.

Good STABILIZERS for your ship are essential. A good social support network with strong intimate relationships, people you can count on, your faith, expert help such as a coach, and a well-bolstered Resilience can stabilize you through rough times. You bolster Resilience by processing Transitions well and by growing through hard times, not just going through them.

What LIFE VESTS would you take with you inrepparttar 123764 lifeboat if your ship were sinking? Most people in my seminars mention specific people in their lives, and their faith. Some mention experts of various types. I've never heard anyone mention money. Life vests these days feature a light and a whistle. Your optimism isrepparttar 123765 light, guiding you to safety. Your personal power, your voice, isrepparttar 123766 whistle. Don’t forget to take these with you!

Don’t become a CORK BOBBING IN THE OCEAN. Did you know that a cork out inrepparttar 123767 middle ofrepparttar 123768 ocean would bob eternally? Each wave rotatesrepparttar 123769 cork slightly, but doesn't move it anywhere. If you want to get through rough seas, you have to take action.

A Life-Changing One-Minute Audit

Written by Doug C. Grant

Article Title: A Life-Changing One-Minute Audit Author Name: Doug C. Grant Contact Email Address: doug @dougcgrant.com Word Count: 859 Category: Motivational/Inspirational Copyright Date: 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Publishing Guidelines: Thank you for publishing this article in its entirety includingrepparttar resource box. When possible, please notify me of publication by sending either a website link or a copy of your ezine upon publication via email to doug@dougcgrant.com



by Doug C. Grant

You've got to use this audit to believe it. The darn thing really works. And it's free.

You can take one of those psycobabble type audits with a ton of personal questions and complicated scoring systems. But you'll still end up with essentiallyrepparttar 123759 same results onrepparttar 123760 bottom line.


To know where you want to go you must first know where you are. In other words, you can't get from here to there if you don't know where 'here' is.

Most Life Audits attempt to establishrepparttar 123761 'here' by having you answer a battery of personal questions. But unless you have a severe emotional problem best left to a professional...or you prefer living in a total state of denial...your knower already knows where you are right now.

For example, if money is in short supply in your life and it's a source of unhappiness, you know it. You may prefer pretending otherwise, but once you get pastrepparttar 123762 fantasy you realize there is an uncomfortable hole in your pocket. You can answer a thousand questions and chartrepparttar 123763 answers on a complicated scoring system butrepparttar 123764 bottom line will still come outrepparttar 123765 same. You ain't as rich as you'd like to be.


It forces you to look at major areas of your life and ask yourself, "Does this particular area add to or subtract from my happiness?" Then you track your answers on a simple scoring page you can download free offrepparttar 123766 Empowered Maturity web site.

Simple? Of course. Effective? Absolutely. Unless you insist on thinking that something black is actually white.

It's all so deceptively easy that you may be tempted to label it too childish. But remember,repparttar 123767 really great truths of life are dirt simple. It's when intellectualized that they become complicated.

For example, inrepparttar 123768 Bible there was a commander of a great army who was told by God's prophet to wash inrepparttar 123769 Jordan seven times to be healed of leprosy. (2 Kings 5) At first he refused becauserepparttar 123770 process was too simple. He wanted ceremony and hand waving. But when finally convinced that simple would work, he was healed.


Go torepparttar 123771 Empowered Maturity web site at http://www.dougcgrant.com. Clickrepparttar 123772 Site Map inrepparttar 123773 left- hand panel and move downrepparttar 123774 Site Map torepparttar 123775 link 'Life Audit'. This is a PDF (Acrobat Reader file) It's free. Print it out. There's no obligation. You won't even be added to a mailing list unless you subscribe torepparttar 123776 bi- monthly Empowered Maturity Page.

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