When good color goes bad…

Written by Granny's Mettle

Even withrepparttar popularity of digital technology, andrepparttar 133315 availability of equipment and software associated with it, many printing firms are still slow to makerepparttar 133316 changes needed to upgrade their business. More so when it comes to digital photography.

More often than not, most typical printing outfits are no set up to process digital files that bad results do happen. Mistakes are often made such as conversions of files to CMYK doing irreparable damage torepparttar 133317 images, andrepparttar 133318 operator trying to rectify his mistakes by fixing it with a series of layers, selections, masks and adjustments. These further aggravatesrepparttar 133319 already damaged file by introducing new problems like banding, and colors that look muddy, desaturated, neutralized, and unappealing.

But this situation can be avoided and great results can be achieved. If you feel that you are not gettingrepparttar 133320 best output for your digital camera images, here are a few key tips for you:


It's a must to ask your chosen printer whether they honor embedded RGB profiles. This would mean that they haverepparttar 133321 capacity to handle RGB color separation work. If they don't want to get your RGB file, or they seem like they don't care or understand what you're saying, then it's time for you to go to another printer.


Remember to use shops and facilities that regularly calibrate their displays. This can be done with a hardware calibration system.

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy with Photoshop

Written by Granny's Mettle

Human nature always seems to have this predilection with beauty and what society believes is beautiful. When we are fat, we want to be slim or thin. When we haverepparttar so-called “love handles”, we decide we do not love them anymore, so we go torepparttar 133314 gym and exercise until our tongues fall out from fatigue. We are blessed with dark colored skin, so we try allrepparttar 133315 new bleaching products available inrepparttar 133316 market to lighten our color. We have white skin so we go to tanning salons to get olive skin, andrepparttar 133317 out-in-the-sun color to your skin. We are naturally brunette but we go torepparttar 133318 nearest salon to get our hair done and died to blonde because they said “blondes always have such fun”.

And digital technology is also banking onrepparttar 133319 partiality of people to not have fun with whatrepparttar 133320 Lord has blessed them with originally.

I have been inrepparttar 133321 digital business for quite some time now, and what I regularly encounter are numerous questions on how to remove blemishes from photos so that their faces would look great and give that “fashion-magazine look” thatrepparttar 133322 media is glamorizing so much nowadays. Here are a few suggestions then from a photographer on beauty retouching.

(Now, if I could just do it in real life, I would be a millionaire by now.)

Beauty Retouching with Photoshop

1 – Try to improverepparttar 133323 colors onrepparttar 133324 face in your photo as far as you can go. To edit, it is better to do it in RGB rather than CMYK. With RGB, editing is more flexible and easy. And explore allrepparttar 133325 selections inrepparttar 133326 various feathers. Do not be afraid to experiment. After all, being creative is all about using allrepparttar 133327 choices available.

2 – After editing your color, it’s now time to create a new layer. This is also a tool for you to be able to control your work. Begin your retouch using a heeling brush and cloning stamp to removerepparttar 133328 things you want removed. Start withrepparttar 133329 bigger imperfections and move your way torepparttar 133330 littlest blemish. You could also userepparttar 133331 heeling brush to removerepparttar 133332 lines underrepparttar 133333 eyes to create that young look torepparttar 133334 face.

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