When Your To-Do List is Longer than Your Day

Written by Jean R. Charles

Time management is not about managing time. Time is a constant, it does not change. The only thing we can change isrepparttar management of ourselves. So, if it'srepparttar 106614 end ofrepparttar 106615 day and you're only halfway through your To-Do list, it is time to upgrade your self-management skills.

Are you being efficient as opposed to being effective? People typically dorepparttar 106616 small easy tasks first and often run out of time to then handlerepparttar 106617 larger more difficult and mayberepparttar 106618 more important items. Are there some days that you get through your list and feel like you haven't been productive, and other days when you complete only 2 or 3 items and feel very accomplished? Those 2 or 3 things were probablyrepparttar 106619 important ones. The important tasks arerepparttar 106620 ones that move you toward your goals. These should be your priorities. The question to ask yourself is "What isrepparttar 106621 most effective thing I can do right now?"

As you go through your list, you have choices ofrepparttar 106622 actions you can take with each item. One system that works well isrepparttar 106623 3D system - Do it, Delegate it, or Dump it.

The Do items are those important priority items - your priority. Do them now. Do them completely. Completion is important, as most people spend major amounts of time and energy on things that were not previously handled completely. Everything from a cluttered office to damaged relationships are examples of incompletions. How much time is spent looking for misplaced papers in that clutter, or thinking about what you should have said to that person? If these things had been taken care of completely inrepparttar 106624 past, a lot more time and energy would be available to handle your priority items inrepparttar 106625 present. Awareness of what is not complete in your life is a good first step to becoming more effective. An assessment tool calledrepparttar 106626 "Clean Sweep" lists 100 common incompletions inrepparttar 106627 areas of Physical Environment, Well-Being, Money, and Relationships. It can give you a good indication of what areas of your life need attention.

You can choose to delegate some ofrepparttar 106628 important items on your list, when you know that someone else can do them as well or better than you can. Know your strengths and surround yourself with people who are strong in your weaker areas; then delegate.

Getting And Keeping Customers

Written by Sibyl McLendon

This is why you have a site inrepparttar first place, right? The idea is to make money, to get customers and keep them. There are some things you are going to have to do to accomplish this.

Take a good, hard look at your website. Are there pictures of your product? If so, arerepparttar 106613 pictures clear and easy to see? If a customer can't really seerepparttar 106614 product, they might be uncomfortable buying it. Are your descriptions ofrepparttar 106615 products easy to read, informative and torepparttar 106616 point? If you are selling a T-shirt, for example, have you toldrepparttar 106617 customer why this is a great T-shirt to buy? Did you give themrepparttar 106618 size and color choices? Did you tell them if it is washable or not? That it is well-made and will last a long time? Think about what you would like to know if you were going to buy a product that you could not hold in your hand. What would you want to know about it?

You have got to have a clear, easy-to-understand return and refund policy, and you have got to provide a link to it on every product page. No one is going to want to buy a product that they can't hold and not know if they can return it if they are not satisfied, or it wasn't what they really wanted. Make your customer feel comfortable about buying from you.

Try to have a testimonial page. Get satisfied customers to write a short note about how great your product or service is, and show potential customers that others consider you to be honest and your product to be a good one.

Seriously consider having a contest to give away something for free. You can sign up for a free email address, strictly for people to enter your contest at. Give themrepparttar 106619 rules ofrepparttar 106620 contest, and a link torepparttar 106621 email address to enter. Choose a winner once a month, or whatever, and then askrepparttar 106622 winner to provide you with a testimonial about your product that you can put on your testimonial page.

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