When Your Baby Arrives

Written by Richard Wong

Welcoming a newborn baby intorepparttar family is always a joyful occasion especially for first-time parents. The nine months of waiting has finally come to an end. How heart-warming it is to hear that first cry. Your baby has arrived!

When it’s time to bring your newborn baby home,repparttar 110629 excitement continues fromrepparttar 110630 hospital to your home. Relatives and friends come over to adore your newborn. What an exciting time!

Soonrepparttar 110631 initial excitement subsides and reality strikes! It’s time to think about providingrepparttar 110632 best baby care you can for your newborn. There are so many things that need to be done. And, especially if you’re a first-time parent, there are so many things you wish you knew on how to providerepparttar 110633 best baby care possible for your infant.

You and your family will have a lot of adjusting to do especially duringrepparttar 110634 first few days after your baby have come home. All of a sudden, there is a new member inrepparttar 110635 family. Daily routines will be affected. Life will not berepparttar 110636 same again.

If you have other children at home, you may have to deal with sibling jealousy as your newborn seems to have robbed them of allrepparttar 110637 attention they used to get. The best way to handle that is to get your children involved with baby care. Depending on their ages and abilities, you may want to get them to help out with diaper changing, feeding, holdingrepparttar 110638 baby, and other appropriate activities. Once they realized that their contributions are valued, their feelings of jealousy will disappear.


Written by Rondi Hillstrom Davis

Word Count: 633 Contact: info@togetherparenting.com Copyright Nine Twenty Press URL:

Family Time

When you pick up any magazine, it’s easy to find an abundance of articles to help you organize your life. Most offer tips for cleaning outrepparttar closets, shufflingrepparttar 110628 papers onrepparttar 110629 desk, finding ways to organizerepparttar 110630 kid’s toys.

But, here’s a different twist. We’d like to help you organize your time to find some precious, extra moments to spend with your family.

Many parents are frantic because there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in a day to manage their work, home life, and kid’s activities. They’re frustrated when they see others who seem to do it all. The number one question parents ask us is, “How can I find more quality time to spend with my kids?”

Stay focused on what’s really important. Do you waste valuable time? Clearrepparttar 110631 clutter in your life. Do you buy lots of toys and gifts to compensate for your lack of family time? What your kids really want is you, notrepparttar 110632 latest, greatest toy. How much time is wasted cleaning uprepparttar 110633 clutter? Ifrepparttar 110634 junk has taken over, pitch it.

How much time do you spend carpooling? Do you really need to sign your kids up for another after school dance lesson? Is your cell phone off? Or, are you wasting your time on endless phone conversations while running your kids from one activity to another?

Do you eat dinner together as a family? Are phone calls and other interruptions allowed during dinner? Isrepparttar 110635 television off?

Let everyone help. Do members of your family share inrepparttar 110636 household chores and responsibilities? Evenrepparttar 110637 youngest children can help by making their beds, putting away toys, and settingrepparttar 110638 table. Insist that each task is done before moving on to another activity.

Set small goals and be specific. Resolutions are made with enthusiasm. But, very often they're forgotten in a month. Making a resolution forrepparttar 110639 entire year is difficult to keep. Saying that you want to spend more time with your family is too vague. But, promising to spend 1/2 hour each night reading aloud with your children is much more achievable. Start with small goals. They’re easier to accomplish.

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