When Something is Free Online

Written by S. Housley

What are consumer expectations when something is free? Realistically, consumers subconsiously assume free means free, and while that might berepparttar initial intent rarely is itrepparttar 145426 case.

What Exactly Does Free Mean? Realistically, consumers subconsciously assume free means free, and while that might berepparttar 145427 initial intent, rarely is it trulyrepparttar 145428 case.

Why do Companies Offer Things for Free? Companies or individuals may promote a free offer or service for any number of reasons. From branding to ad revenue, companies often use "free" to attract attention or interest. As a consumer, it is important to realize what "free" might really mean.

Reasons Things Are Free:

Linking Companies may offer something in exchange for a link back to their website. Asrepparttar 145429 web becomes increasingly more competitive, linking can effect more than just search engine placement, and providing a product, service or information free of charge in exchange for a link can be a good business decision. Often, publishers will create articles like this one and make it available for syndication, withrepparttar 145430 stipulation being thatrepparttar 145431 author resource box that followsrepparttar 145432 article remain intact, providing links back torepparttar 145433 author's website. Bottom line, authors often make content available for syndication in exchange for links back to their websites, which they benefit from.

Ad Revenue Some companies provide a product or service free of charge and generate money from advertising. Perhaps they sell banner advertising on their website. A free product draws web traffic so thatrepparttar 145434 number of visitors seeingrepparttar 145435 advertisement increases. The more visitors a site attracts, typicallyrepparttar 145436 more revenue generated fromrepparttar 145437 ad space. Perhaps a software application is free of charge, but has embedded advertisements. When ads are clicked,repparttar 145438 software developer earns a percentage ofrepparttar 145439 revenue paid for servingrepparttar 145440 advertisement.

Goodwill Branding / Public Relations On occasion, companies will provide a product, service or information free of charge. Ifrepparttar 145441 offering is extremely magnanimous or socially sensitive, they will often receive significant press exposure, generating free publicity for their brand. Pepsi Cola sponsors a number of athletic events and generates enormous amounts of brand loyalty and positive PR with their target audience.

Contact Information Sometimes companies or individuals will provide something free in exchange for contact information. Ebooks are often provided free of charge if you provide an email address. The contact information may be sold at a later time or be used to market related products. It is important to check website privacy policies to determine how personal information can be used.

Phone Cards for International Calls

Written by Bernard Pragides

Phone cards for international calls and long distance calls – talk for a while and yet save money

There was a time, before phone cards, when long distance and international calls – even to friends and relatives - required a good amount of preparations. Everyone making international calls had to back-calculate:

•How much money do I want to spend on this international call? •How many minutes does it give me? •And what do I need to talk for this many minutes?

Sound funny?

Yes it does in today’s world, where phone cards are making long distance and international calls cheaper day by day. Phone cards were first introduced to make long distance calling easy and convenient. One could make long distance and international calls from any phone using these cards. Then camerepparttar price war betweenrepparttar 145274 long distance operators andrepparttar 145275 cost of calling using phone cards started coming down significantly compared to post-paid phone connections.

Phone cards offered today come with different facilities and operating modes:

•Some need a PIN to activate. •Some need a call to be placed from pre-registered numbers. •Some need a call to be placed on a toll-free number first to dial long distance, or •A combination of two of more ofrepparttar 145276 above.

Modes of payment also differ from operator to operator:

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