When Should You Do Market Research?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Market Consultant and Coach

The bad news is: Allrepparttar time. The good news is: It isn’t that hard.

“Market research” may sound like a complicated concept, but it’s something you do allrepparttar 104653 time. It’s just a matter of becoming aware of it, and orienting it toward your product or service. Most people, once they getrepparttar 104654 hang of it, love it. In fact many of us can’t stop doing it!

We are all consumers as well as sellers. All day long we are bombarded with sales messages, byrepparttar 104655 marketing of others. Paying attention to what gets YOUR attention isrepparttar 104656 first step. With hundreds of emails coming in daily, which one gets you to open it? With allrepparttar 104657 billboards you see onrepparttar 104658 way to work, which one catches you eye? When do you tune back in to an ad onrepparttar 104659 radio? What TV commercial do you sit and watch instead of channel surfing? Which ezines do you actually bother to read? Which ones do you read every single word?

This all becomes market research when you stop and ask yourselfrepparttar 104660 question “why”? Why with allrepparttar 104661 billboards out there did that one catch your eye? What’s different about it? You are as capable of answering this as any ad genius out there. It could berepparttar 104662 beautiful babe. The unusual font. The color. The protusion overrepparttar 104663 top (likerepparttar 104664 chick-fil-a cows).

Next time something “catches your eye,” or “holds you spellbound,” or “keeps you nailed to your seat,” breakrepparttar 104665 spell and THINK. Analyze. Figure out why. Someone has gotten throughrepparttar 104666 fog with you, and this is invaluable information.

There are three aspects to market research: ·The target market ·Your website and collaterals ·What others are doing


Target Market meansrepparttar 104667 people who are going to buy your product or service. Rarely is it “everyone.” For instance, if you sell baby clothes,repparttar 104668 obvious market would be mothers, but fathers buy for their babies as well. And what about grandparents? Did you know thatrepparttar 104669 biggest buyers of teen CDs are seniors? They are buying them for their teenage grandchildren.

Periodically go over your records and see who is actually buying your products. Get as much information about them as you can. You can do this by asking forrepparttar 104670 information on PayPal, by sending a feedback satisfaction form afterrepparttar 104671 sale where you ask for this information, by offering something free where you garner this information, and by various other methods.

If you sell a service, such as coaching, when someone finds you, be sure and ask them how they found your name.

Atrepparttar 104672 same time, ask your current and past purchasers where else they go, so you can go to those websites and see how those people are selling.

Studying your target market and their preferences is particularly important when you aren’t in it. By this I mean, if you are selling something to teens, and you are middle-aged, you are trying to discover what appeals to teens, not to you.

How Do You Leave a Bad Client?

Written by Leigh Sheppard

I have been through this scenario a dozen times.... torepparttar point where I thought to myself, "When will I learn?". Overrepparttar 104652 years, i have learned quite a bit actually, and have learned thatrepparttar 104653 time to bail-out is early inrepparttar 104654 problem stage! A "bad" client can BREAK you, financially and emotionally... and can ruin your business by withholding payments, demanding immediate 24/7 service and bad-mouthing your work to everyone they meet. The longer it drags on,repparttar 104655 more ammunition they get to bad-mouth! You are in a no-win situation!

Several years ago I attended a seminar (Great Plains Software) in Fargo, ND that changed all that! The presenter suggested that 80% of a consultants revenue, job satisfaction, demands, problems and pain came from 20% of his clients... and it wasn't necessarilyrepparttar 104656 same 20%. In other words... Unless carefully managed, you can easily spend all your time looking after a client that is causing you 80% of your problems while providing only a small percentage of your revenue.

His advise? FIRE 20% of your clients every few months!! Determine which 20% are causing you 80% of your problems and FIRE THEM! What you will be left with, after only a few months isrepparttar 104657 time to recruit NEW clients that better fit your working style, andrepparttar 104658 cream-of-the-crop clients that pay on-time, appreciate your service, and give good references to other businesses! Good references are worth $$$$$!!!

I'd like to suggest several ways to FIRE them, in a professional manner, while preserving your good name. (Ignoring problems, not returning calls, telling them off, does nothing for good word-of-mouth... you can be sure they will let everyone they know what a lousy job you do! and it will come back to bite you! Assigningrepparttar 104659 client to a junior consultant or co-worker doesn't work either, sincerepparttar 104660 bad publicity this client is giving you still reflects on your company)

Here are my suggestions: (all of which work wonderfully and have interesting side benefits)

1. Refuse to work until past-due invoices are up-to-date. If payment is being withheld due to "unsatisfactory" performance get those issues resolved before investing more time inrepparttar 104661 project. The higherrepparttar 104662 receivables,repparttar 104663 more you give up negotiating power! Better to right-off a few hundred dollars than go broke trying to collect it!

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